
11 editsJoined 8 February 2016

Sylveon (AKA Briar on Pokemon Vortex) is mostly here to pedantically correct grammar, capitalization, sentence structure, Japanese spelling, and all other writing mishaps. She is the correction pen of the Wiki.

Off the internet, Sylveon has served as an assistant English teacher, English tutor to ESL students, and manuscript editor when called upon. She also can read and write Japanese and probably will tidy up your Japanese spelling.

If you were expecting a cute fairy type Eeveelution you probably want the real Sylveon.

Common Sylveon Fixes[edit]

"it's" versus "its" "It's" is short for "it is" or a possessive. "Its" is a non-specific possessive.

"Its red color warns others it's poisonous." "Its" refers to the object owning the color. "It's" is short for "it is," as in "it is poisonous."

Capitalization If it's a proper noun (a name or place) capitalize it. If it's a random word in a sentence, no capitals.

[INCORRECT] "Nobody knows if Any people have Seen a Charizard in kanto."

[CORRECT] "Nobody knows if any people have seen a Charizard in Kanto."

Pokémon Consistency If you use Pokémon with the accent, make sure it continues throughout! Switching between "Pokémon" and "Pokemon" is confusing.