This Pokémon Vortex Battle Arena Wiki was created and is run by Pokémon Vortex Administrators.
Members of the game and forums are welcome to make contributions to it as long as they follow the guidelines and keep it clean and organised. If you do not know how to edit Wiki's, we suggest you look into that before making any changes to pages.
Using the Wiki
If you're here as a reader, you can disregard this page, this page's content is for editors and people interested in becoming an editor of the Wiki. While we don't require any special permissions or conditions to be an editor here, we do ask that you fully understand what you're doing before you make changes.
Editing the Wiki
When editing content on this Wiki, we please ask you to bear in mind that this is a source of information about Pokémon Vortex for everyone, not just yourself so don't be vague in your writing or refer to things that are personal to you. Being as detailed about something as you can is the key to a successful article, even if you feel it may be long-winded.
Furthermore, please make sure all of your writing is in perfect clear English. If you are unsure about a certain word or phrasing, ask for help before posting the content. You can get help on our chatroom or forums if you ever need it.
If a page has not yet been created and you feel you would do a good job with it, you may create it but do not just create a page then leave it unfinished expecting somebody to pick up where you left off. While we don't expect people to know everything about everything, we do not want hundreds of half complete pages. You can, however, create a page with the intention of adding what you had in mind then in the edit summary, specify that you have completed what you wanted to but more could be added or detailed better.
Allowed Content
I'm sure we don't need to say this but we will anyway; This is a Pokémon Wiki so please keep everything Pokémon or Pokémon Vortex related.
While we do allow Pokémon content that is not Pokémon Vortex related, it still needs to be some-what relevant. For example, an article about a Pokémon episode from the anime is not fitting, whereas specifying within a page about Pinkan Island within the sidequests originates from the Orange Islands episodes in the anime would be appropriate.
Page 'Calling'
If you would like to have a page entirely for yourself without help of others, you may ask for the page to be protected for your editing. Please do not ask for a page if you are going to leave it incomplete.
You can request a page on our forums or ask an Administrator that is online on the chatroom.
Uploading Files
Uploading files to the Wiki is simple; on the left hand side of every page, you should see a 'Tools' list, from there you can upload files.
Currently, we only allow the uploading of images for use within the Wiki. Please keep your file names related to the image itself and be sure you're not overwriting an image that already exists unless that is your intention to update an older image.
Allowed file extensions are: png, gif, jpg, jpeg and must be smaller than 2MB
Please be sure that files you are uploading are relevant to the Wiki. The best way to manage this is by only uploading files as you are creating or editing content. That way you are only uploading images that you are about to use. Please do not upload images with intent to use them but never do - It's wasted space.