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Over the years, Pokémon Vortex has used multiple sources as a chatroom from IRC to the current Discord.

Discord was set up originally to be launched with v4 but replaced IRC in v3's mid-life span and has proven the most popular chat format so far with the users and staff.

Discord welcome logo as seen in #welcome

Pokémon Vortex's Discord has multiple channels with different purposes ranging from general conversation, trading and mini-games playable within the chatroom by interacting with bots.

A large variety of customisation options and API's available for Discord make it highly suited for Vortex as a chatroom with some current and upcoming in-game integrations with Discord to Vortex such as checking a users account status, seeing who has a specific Pokémon in their trades and even playing Pokémon Vortex within the chat itself.

With the links possible between Discord and Pokémon Vortex, who knows what the future holds for it.



The welcome channel is the main landing/invitation channel which gives a brief description of each channel's purpose and the overall Discord server rules.


The general channel is where users can talk about anything (within reason, sticking to the chatroom rules) The only thing not allowed here but is allowed on the chat is discussing trades, that is to be done in #trades


The trades channel is strictly for organising a trade to take place within Pokémon Vortex. Users can post what they have for trade here or leave a message telling others what they are looking for.


The requests channel is not currently used but will be where users can request for their in-game clan to have their own text or audio channel on Discord.

The channel request will be reviewed by an administrator and finally accepted or declined.


The bot-commands channel is used for interacting with the various bots with commands not related to mini-games or their own channel. For example, you can look up a users' in-game profile in this channel by typing !user <username>


Who's that Pokémon?
It's Darkrown!

The quiz channel is where the Who's That Pokémon? game takes place. VortexBot will announce in the #general channel and here when the game is about to begin.

When the game begins, VortexBot will show the chat a card has a Pokémon's silhouette, as seen here on the right and everyone must type what Pokémon they think it is.

While the initial question will display if a Pokémon has punctuation in the name, it is not necessary to use these in your answer, nor is it required to use capitalization of letters. For example, if the answer is Arceus (Electric) a correct answer would also be arceus electric or even arceuselectric which can significantly cut down some users typing time.

Once a correct answer has been submitted by someone, VortexBot will start a countdown of 1.5 seconds. In this 1.5 seconds, anyone who also gets the correct answer will be accepted. Everyone with a correct answer in this time-frame and the original correct answer that started the timer will be awarded a single quiz point.

This process will be repeated until either a single or multiple users have 10 points. If multiple users end up on 10 points, it will start tie-breaker rounds and continue to do so until there is only one person left with more points than everyone else.

When there is only a single user left over 10 points and with more points than everyone else, the game will end and award that winning user with a promo code for the Cosmog that was announced before the game started.

Note: Currently, the quiz runs every hour, on the hour but it is not guaranteed to remain on this schedule.


The discord-plays-vortex channel is Vortex's take on the "social experiment" Twitch Plays Pokémon in which users would play the game using the chat and interact with a bot. discord-plays-vortex is the same in this respect but instead of playing a handheld Pokémon game, the chatroom users are playing Pokémon Vortex.

Not all game features are available within Discord, currently you can search a map, battle wild Pokémon, capture wild Pokémon and buy items. (See command list in VortexBot's wiki section to learn how to play)

Everything done on Discord through this channel is simulated from the actual game website on the account flamescapebot.


There are multiple bots on Vortex's Discord. Some of which are limited to use by staff and some can be used by users for various tasks and activities. Below is details on each bot, their usability and functionality.


VortexBot is Pokémon Vortex's own custom bot written in Node.js. This bot is responsible for all of the chat user to game interaction. It can complete numerous tasks within the game and display it on Discord including creating user based custom player cards, checking Pokémon up for trade and viewing another player's in-game profile stats.

Below are a list of usable commands with this bot.

Command Detail Channel Example
!help Shows command overview of VortexBot #bot-commands
!poke <name> Shows information about the requested Pokémon #bot-commands !poke Munchlax
!user <ign> Shows the account statistics of the requested user #bot-commands !user VortexBot
!card <ign> Shows the trainer card of the requested user #bot-commands !card VortexBot
!dupes <ign> Creates a list of duplicate Pokémon owned by the requested user #bot-commands !dupes VortexBot
!iam <ign> Link your Pokémon Vortex account to Discord #bot-commands !iam VortexBot
!customcard Customise your trainer card (Requires linked Vortex account to Discord) #bot-commands -
!me Lists your linked account(s) #bot-commands -
!whois @user Lists the Discord user's Pokémon Vortex accounts #bot-commands !whois @VortexBot#9225
!playvortex Start playing Pokémon Vortex #discord-plays-vortex -
!nextquiz Displays how long until the next quiz starts #quiz -


MusicBot is an open source self hosted bot provided by Twentysix. It has a wide set of features which can be enabled and disabled to meet server needs from image searches to playing music in an audio channel.

It's purpose on Pokémon Vortex's Discord is automated moderation, announcements and playing music in the audio channels.

This bot can currently only be controlled by the moderator role and above but will interact and notify users of certain events such as if Pokémon Vortex goes live on Twitch or the game is going down for maintenance.


NightBot is a third party bot provided by NightDev. It is primarily a Twitch chat bot used for moderation but also has functionality with Discord.

It's purpose on Pokémon Vortex's Discord is automated moderation and has no publicly active commands for use.


Mee6 is a third party bot provided by Mee6. It has an open source version for self hosting or can be added to a Discord server as an integration.

It's purpose on Pokémon Vortex's Discord is to monitor people's activity and awards XP every one minute. The number of XP given is random between 15 and 25. XP is then ordered and displayed in a leaderboard format found here.

When a user reaches level 50, they will be added to the Regulars Discord group which has all the same permissions as a regular user except a Regular user will have a green name.

If a user is banned, they will lose the Regular role from their account and lose the ability to get it back.

Mee6 has no publicly active commands for use.


Carbon is a third party bot provided by Carbonitex it is used for indexing public Discord servers and listing them based on stats.

Carbon has no publicly active commands for use.


DSL is a third party bot provided by Discord Servers it is used for indexing public Discord servers and listing them based on stats.

DSL has no publicly active commands for use.


ServerHound is a third party bot provided by Silicon Valley it is used for indexing public Discord servers and listing them based on stats.

ServerHound has no publicly active commands for use.

Exclusive Pokémon

So far there is one Pokémon that is exclusive to Discords #quiz channel - Cosmog

Because Cosmog is a Discord exclusive, that also makes its 3 evolutions; Cosmoem, Solgaleo and Lunala Discord exclusives.

To get one, you must be the overall winner of a round in the #quiz channel for the Who's that Pokémon? game and be awarded with a Cosmog promo code. Each Cosmog prize is announced before the round in the #general channel to give people a moments notice and decide whether this is a round they want to enter.


  • Do not use offensive/profane avatars.
  • Do not set your "playing" status to anything offensive/profane.
  • Do not set your username to anything offensive/profane.
  • Do not set your username to something that exceeds in punctuation/symbols.

Any attempt to break these rules will result in you being kicked from the server so you can amend it. Once you have changed whichever part of your Discord app is not following these rules, you may join the server again. If you have not corrected the broken rule on your Discord then you will be banned and will not be able to return.

For help on anything to do with the Discord website or app, please visit their help section found here. Pokémon Vortex staff is not responsible for Discord and cannot control any issues you may have with their service and/or software.