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Revision as of 17:07, 17 September 2017 by Sneezeball (talk | contribs) (→‎Avatar)
↰ #999   Darkrown Darkrown #000 - Missingno.   Missingno. Bulbasaur Bulbasaur   #001 ↳
Missingno. #000
Missingno. Missingno.
Flying Normal
Gender Ratio
Final Stage.

Missingno. (Japanese: けつばん Ketsuban) is a dual-type Normal/Flying Pokémon. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.


Missingno. cannot be caught on the maps.


Missingno. is currently available within Pokémon Vortex through the following methods:

  • Various Pokémon Vortex Giveaways
  • Trade

Types Currently Available

Missingno. is currently available in six types on Pokémon Vortex; Normal, Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Metallic and Shadow.

Types Not Available

With the game transition from Version 2 to Version 3, Ancient Pokémon were replaced with Metallic Pokémon. This change made it currently impossible to obtain the Ancient version of Missingno. and every other Pokémon.

It is unsure whether these will be seen in the game again but development shows no interest in ever bringing them back.


Evolution Line

Flying Normal


Base Attacks

The following attacks are known by Missingno. as a base Pokémon when it is redeemed through Promo Codes.

Originating Pokémon Attack Type Power Accuracy Category
Missingno. Fly Flying 90 95% Physical
Missingno. Sky Attack Flying 140 90% Physical
Missingno. Fly Flying 90 95% Physical
Missingno. Sky Attack Flying 140 90% Physical

Purchasable Attacks

Attack Type Price Power Accuracy Category
Bind Normal Pokémoney11,250 15 85% Physical
Blizzard Ice Pokémoney82,500 110 70% Special
Bubble Beam Water Pokémoney48,750 65 100% Special
Cut Normal Pokémoney37,500 50 95% Physical
Double-Edge Normal Pokémoney90,000 120 100% Physical
Earthquake Ground Pokémoney75,000 100 100% Physical
Fissure Ground Pokémoney225,000 300 30% Physical
Fly Flying Pokémoney67,500 90 95% Physical
Ice Beam Ice Pokémoney67,500 90 100% Special
Mega Kick Normal Pokémoney90,000 120 75% Physical
Mega Punch Normal Pokémoney60,000 80 85% Physical
Pay Day Normal Pokémoney30,000 40 100% Physical
Psychic Psychic Pokémoney67,500 90 100% Special
Rage Normal Pokémoney15,000 20 100% Physical
Razor Wind Normal Pokémoney60,000 80 100% Special
Sky Attack Flying Pokémoney105,000 140 90% Physical
Submission Fighting Pokémoney60,000 80 80% Physical
Take Down Normal Pokémoney67,500 90 85% Physical
Thunder Electric Pokémoney82,500 110 70% Special
Tri Attack Normal Pokémoney60,000 80 100% Special
Water Gun Water Pokémoney30,000 40 100% Special

Type Effectiveness

Damaged Normally by: Normal Poison Steel Dragon Dark Flying Fighting Fairy Fire Water Psychic Unknown
Weak to: Electric Ice Rock
Immune to: Ground Ghost
Resistant to: Bug Grass


Avatar Unlock Criteria
Missingno. Avatar Free


Missingno. has appearances in 0 Sidequest battles, appearing 0 times.

It is currently owned by no gym leaders or event trainers.