
MediaWiki interface page
Revision as of 16:04, 10 February 2016 by Patrick (talk | contribs) (Added some PokéDex specific CSS for table classes.)

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/* CSS placed here will be applied to all skins */
* {
font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;

/* Table for navigational menu on drop page */
td.nav {
opacity: 1;
filter: alpha(opacity=100);

td.nav:hover {
opacity: 0.5;
filter: alpha(opacity=50);

table.dex {
color: #fff;
text-shadow: 0 0 3px #0f0f0f, 0 0 5px #1a1a1a;
box-shadow: 0 0 3px #0f0f0f, 0 0 5px #1a1a1a;
background-color: #a80101;
border: 2px solid #a00101;
border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
-khtml-border-radius: 10px;
-icab-border-radius: 10px;
-o-border-radius: 10px;
padding: 0 10px 0 10px;

/* Info panel, float right */

info-panel-right {
float: right;

/* Type background-colors */

.container-bug, .bug-dex { background-color: #A8B820; }
.container-electric, .electric-dex { background-color: #F8D030; }
.container-dark, .dark-dex{ background-color: #705848; }
.container-psychic, .psychic-dex { background-color: #F85888; }
.container-normal, .normal-dex { background-color: #A8A878; }
.container-fighting, .fighting-dex { background-color: #C03028; }
.container-flying, .flying-dex { background-color: #A890F0; }
.container-poison, .poison-dex { background-color: #A040A0; }
.container-ground, .ground-dex { background-color: #E0C068; }
.container-rock, .rock-dex { background-color: #B8A038; }
.container-ghost, .ghost-dex { background-color: #705898; }
.container-dragon, .dragon-dex { background-color: #7038F8; }
.container-fairy, .fairy-dex { background-color: #EE99AC; }
.container-grass, .grass-dex { background-color: #78C850; }
.container-steel, .steel-dex { background-color: #B8B8D0; }
.container-ice, .ice-dex { background-color: #98D8D8; }
.container-fire, .fire-dex { background-color: #F08030; }
.container-water, .water-dex { background-color: #6890F0; }
/* Background for attack table headers */
.container-attacks { background-color: #A80101 }

.container-bug,.container-electric,.container-dark,.container-psychic,.container-normal,.container-fighting,.container-flying,.container-poison,.container-ground,.container-rock,.container-ghost,.container-dragon,.container-fairy,.container-grass,.container-steel,.container-ice,.container-fire,.container-water,.container-attacks {
border: 3px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px;

.bug,.electric,.dark,.psychic,.normal,.fighting,.flying,.poison,.ground,.rock,.ghost,.dragon,.fairy,.grass,.steel,.ice,.fire,.water,.attacks,.bug-dex,.electric-dex,.dark-dex,.psychic-dex,.normal-dex,.fighting-dex,.flying-dex,.poison-dex,.ground-dex,.rock-dex,.ghost-dex,.dragon-dex,.fairy-dex,.grass-dex,.steel-dex,.ice-dex,.fire-dex,.water-dex {
color: rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
background-color: #fff;
border: 3px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
-khtml-border-radius: 10px;
-icab-border-radius: 10px;
-o-border-radius: 10px;
padding: 10px;
background: rgba(255,255,255,0.5);

/* General type bar for use with type effectiveness sections */

.type {
width: 100px;
border-radius: 20px;
-moz-border-radius: 20px;
-webkit-border-radius: 20px;
-khtml-border-radius: 20px;
-icab-border-radius: 20px;
-o-border-radius: 20px;
border: 1px solid black;
text-align: center;
margin: 5px;
float: left;

/* StatBar Div
 * Anything where you need to display something in a small bar
 * For example, gender ratio or HP - This can be used

border-top-left-radius: 20px;
-moz-border-radius-topleft: 20px;
-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 20px;
-khtml-border-top-left-radius: 20px;
-icab-border-top-left-radius: 20px;
-o-border-top-left-radius: 20px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;
-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 20px;
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;
-khtml-border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;
-icab-border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;
-o-border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;
color: #FFF;
height: 10px;
border: 0.5px solid black;
overflow: hidden;

border-top-right-radius: 20px;
-moz-border-radius-topright: 20px;
-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 20px;
-khtml-border-top-right-radius: 20px;
-icab-border-top-right-radius: 20px;
-o-border-top-right-radius: 20px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;
-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 20px;
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;
-khtml-border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;
-icab-border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;
-o-border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;
color: #000;
height: 10px;
border: 0.5px solid black;
overflow: hidden;