
From Pokémon Vortex Wiki
Revision as of 05:43, 2 October 2017 by (talk)

Over the years, Pokémon Vortex has used multiple sources as a chatroom from IRC to the current Discord.

Discord was set up originally to be launched with v4 but replaced IRC in v3's mid-life span and has proven the most popular chat format so far with the users and staff.

Discord welcome logo as seen in #welcome

Pokémon Vortex's Discord has multiple channels with different purposes ranging from general conversation, trading and mini-games playable within the chatroom by interacting with bots.

A large variety of customisation options and API's available for Discord make it highly suited for Vortex as a chatroom with some current and upcoming in-game integrations with Discord to Vortex such as checking a users account status, seeing who has a specific Pokémon in their trades and even playing Pokémon Vortex within the chat itself.

With the links possible between Discord and Pokémon Vortex, who knows what the future holds for it.



There are multiple bots on Vortex's Discord. Some of which are limited to use by staff and some can be used by users for various tasks and activities. Below is details on each bot, their usability and functionality.


VortexBot is Pokémon Vortex's own custom bot written in Node.js. This bot is responsible for all of the chat user to game interaction. It can complete numerous tasks within the game and display it on Discord including creating user based custom player cards, checking Pokémon up for trade and viewing another player's in-game profile stats.

Below are a list of usable commands with this bot.

Command Detail Channel Example
!help Shows command overview of VortexBot #bot-commands -
!poke <name> Shows information about the requested Pokémon #bot-commands !poke Munchlax
!id <id> Shows information about a users specific Pokémon #bot-commands !id 109563
!top <name> Shows information about the highest exp requested Pokémon #bot-commands !top Munchlax
!user <ign> Shows the account statistics of the requested user #bot-commands !user VortexBot
!card <ign> Shows the trainer card of the requested user #bot-commands !card VortexBot
!dupes <ign> Creates a list of duplicate Pokémon owned by the requested user #bot-commands !dupes VortexBot
!iam <ign> Link your Pokémon Vortex account to Discord #bot-commands !iam VortexBot
!customcard Customise your trainer card (Requires linked Vortex account to Discord) #bot-commands -
!me Lists your linked account(s) #bot-commands -
!missing <ign> Generates a list of Pokémon the specified account is missing #bot-commands !missing VortexBot
!missingleggies <ign> Generates a list of legendary Pokémon the specified account is missing #bot-commands !missingleggies VortexBot
!missingevents <ign> Generates a list of event Pokémon the specified account is missing #bot-commands !missingevents VortexBot
!missingdonations <ign> Generates a list of donation Pokémon the specified account is missing #bot-commands !missingdonations VortexBot
!event Shows statistics of the current in-game event if one is running #bot-commands -
!whois @user Lists the Discord user's Pokémon Vortex accounts #bot-commands !whois @VortexBot#9225
!playvortex Start playing Pokémon Vortex #discord-plays-vortex -
!nextquiz Displays how long until the next quiz starts #quiz -
!promocode <promo> Check when a promo code was redeemed, who by and what it contained. #bot-commands !promocode XXX-XXX-XXX


A.W.E.S.O.M.-O is an open source, self hosted bot provided by Twentysix. It has a wide set of features which can be enabled and disabled to meet server needs from image searches to playing music in an audio channel.

It's purpose on Pokémon Vortex's Discord is automated moderation, announcements and playing music in the audio channels.

This bot can currently only be controlled by the moderator role and above but will interact and notify users of certain events such as if Pokémon Vortex goes live on Twitch or the game is going down for maintenance.


NightBot is a third party bot provided by NightDev. It is primarily a Twitch chat bot used for moderation but also has functionality with Discord.

It's purpose on Pokémon Vortex's Discord is automated moderation and has no publicly active commands for use.


Carbon is a third party bot provided by Carbonitex it is used for indexing public Discord servers and listing them based on stats.

Carbon has no publicly active commands for use.


DSL is a third party bot provided by Discord Servers it is used for indexing public Discord servers and listing them based on stats.

DSL has no publicly active commands for use.


ServerHound is a third party bot provided by Silicon Valley it is used for indexing public Discord servers and listing them based on stats.

ServerHound has no publicly active commands for use.