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Here is the list of Frequently Asked Questions About the game.

FAQ (In Game)

What is the Pokémon Vortex Battle Arena?

Pokémon Vortex Battle Arena is an online game where you can catch your own online Pokémon, battle with them, trade them, and interact with other trainers.

How much does it cost?

The game has no cost, it is fully supported by advertising services.

Will my personal information be viewable to other players?

Only if you want it to be. Your email and other information not directly related to the game is hidden from other members by default, but you may choose for them to be shown. Personal information such as your e-mail address is required by us for account security purposes.

What are the basics I need to know to play the game?

When you sign up, you'll choose a starter Pokémon. To catch more Pokémon, simply move around on one of the maps until another one appears. You can battle this Pokémon and try to capture it. If you capture it, it will be added to your team and you can use it to battle other people and catch more Pokémon! If your team is full, it will be placed in your Pokémon storage.

When you try to log in, you keep getting a message that your session has expired.

This site uses cookies to login to the arena. When the 'Session Expired' page always appears when you try to log in, this means that cookies are not enabled on your browser. Change your cookie settings to accept cookies and this problem should go away. This error could also mean that we have temporarily put the game down for maintenance.

What's the difference between Normal, Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Metallic and Shadow Variants?

Shiny Pokémon has 25% more HP than Normal Pokémon and Dark Pokémon does 25% more damage than Normal Pokémon. Mystic Pokémon has a chance to scare the defending Pokémon whenever they attack (scaring is another status effect). Metallic Pokémon have 25% more defense than Normal Pokemon and Shadow Pokémon have immunity to status effects.

How do I catch legendary Pokémon?

Legendary Pokémon will appear randomly on the maps, after you have defeated all of a region's gym leaders and obtained its ribbon you be able to find legendary Pokémon from that region. For example, you will need a Kanto Ribbon to encounter a Mew.

Where is (Pokémon name) found?

All Pokémon appear randomly on the maps. However, some Pokémon only appears on certain maps, (e.g. some Pokémon are found only on Route 1 while others are found only in Nightshade) and water Pokémon are usually only found in the water. The best advice is to use common sense. For example, You would find Geodude in a cave map. Certain Pokémon will also only appear in the day or night. You will have to wait for the in-game time to change for you to find the specific Pokémon. (Game day cycles are 2 hours long - 1 hour of day, followed by 1 hour of night). For the most part, on maps, you will find only low leveled base form Pokémon, but on occasion, you may encounter legendary Pokémon as well as evolved Pokémon at higher levels.

How do you switch Pokémon in your team with a Pokémon in your Pokémon box?

Go to the "Your Pokémon Team" page, there is a link above your team that says "Change the Pokémon in your team", which lets you switch Pokémon. But remember, you need at least 7 Pokémon in order to switch. You can't trade or release Pokémon that are in your party, only those that are in your box. If you do not have at least 7 Pokémon, you will have to catch more so you will able to switch them out of your party.

How do I get on the Top 100 Trainers list?

It takes a lot of time and patience to get on the top trainers. You need to have a lot of high-level Pokémon with a lot of experience, along with a high battle count to get on the top 100.

I forgot my password! What can I do?

Passwords can be retrieved if your account has a Legitimate Email Address. You can use the Forgot Password Feature to recover your account.

Can I battle my friends and how do I do it?

In version 4 it is currently not possible to live battle your friends, however, you can play a computer controlled battle against your friends' account, also, live battles will be implemented in a later version so you can battle against friends in real time.

Can I battle other people when they are not online?

You can battle people who aren't online by going to the "Battle Any Member" page. However, their Pokémon will be computer controlled.

What are the stones (ie: Moon Stone, Water Stone, Thunder Stone, etc.)?

These stones are for evolving some of the Pokémon that require a stone to evolve. Before you evolve them, you will need to buy the appropriate stone and it will be used when you evolve that Pokémon.

What do the points mean?

The points are calculated from your unique Pokémon count, total experience, average experience, and total battles won. They are the same points as are displayed on the top 100 trainers list and are meant to show your relative progress. Don't be discouraged if they are really low, many of the people on the top trainer's list have been here for a long time.

t = Total Experience
a = Average Experience
u = Unique Pokémon
b = Battle Count / (Wins)

(√t * √a * √u * Log(b)) / 1000

Someone contacted me saying they were a staff of Vortex and want my password or want me to change my email. Should I do it?

Absolutely not, the staff of Pokémon Vortex does not need your password under any circumstance, so don't believe anyone who asks for your password regardless of who they are. If you change your email to someone else's you are giving them the opportunity to use the password retrieval system to get your password, so don't do it.

I've found a glitch in the game, what should I do about it?

You should report it as soon as you can to one of our staff. Anyone found abusing a glitch of some beneficial nature will be subject to a ban.

What is an event ticket?

An event ticket is a special feature in the game that happens sometimes when the Pokémon vortex admin releases an event, it usually appears on your dashboard. Some events appear on the side and say Claim it if you do click on it then you get a random event Pokémon, while others have sometimes special tasks to do.

What is an avatar?

An avatar is an image, in this case of a Pokemon, that you can use to represent yourself.

How do I obtain avatars?

Avatars can be obtained, or unlocked, in a variety of ways. They are provided as sidequest prizes, daily login prizes and you can buy them from PokeBay. Avatars can also be gained by buying and opening “mystery boxes”.

How can I use my avatars?

You can browse and select an avatar for use by viewing “your profile” and selecting one from the drop down list underneath the “avatar” header.

What is PokéBay?

PokéBay is a virtual auction house, working much like many others across the internet. It provides users with an opportunity to buy and sell any items, Pokemon or avatars across Pokemon Vortex. Any item can be put up for auction, allowing players the chance to bid on, and win some exclusive and otherwise unobtainable items.

How do I put something up for auction?

In order to put something up for auction, you must first go to the “PokéBay” page. This can be done by clicking “your account” and then “PokéBay auctions”. The next step is to click “start auction” where you will be given the option of selecting what it is you would like to sell. Simply chose either “Pokemon”, “item”, “avatar” or “promo code” and select which of these you intend to auction. Finally, chose a duration for your auction and a start price. The start price can be no lower than 25,000.

How can I bid?

Simply select “Browse Auctions” and you will be able to see all the auctions that are currently available. In order to bid, click on the item/pokemon/avatar you want and enter an amount. The amount must be higher than the previous bid.

I just lost an auction, will I get my money back?

Absolutely, your money will be returned to you if you lose an auction. Your money is also returned to you every time you are outbid.

For more FAQ regarding PokéBay, please visit the FAQ section at https://pokemon-vortex.com/pokebay/