Talk:Pokémon Vortex

Discussion page of Pokémon Vortex
Revision as of 21:31, 9 November 2024 by Yoshilisk (talk | contribs)
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Version 5

version 5 is missing from this page. here, i wrote up some text to maybe get a section started. it's a little more stiff-sounding than the other version sections, but maybe it'll do?

Version 5 launched on August 25, 2020 and came with two major additions: Generation 8 content and a new world that can be explored in real time. Before this version, players would navigate maps one step at a time, and a completely different set of maps was available. Many of the old maps were broken up by type, e.g. "grass maps" or "dragon maps," whereas the new world is treated as a unified region.

While generation 8 starters were made available in April 2020, version 5 added the rest of the gen 8 Pokémon to the Pokédex. Galar gyms can be found throughout the overworld. This version also added Galar region Sidequests.

Other changes include making Shiny and Shadow Pokémon rarer than other variants, and having legendary unlocks no longer require beating the Elite 4, Champions, and battle facilities.

also the lead & introduction sections still say version 4 is the current version. --Yoshilisk (talk) 21:31, 9 November 2024 (UTC)