Orange Islands

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TCG Islands Orange Islands Hoenn

The Orange Archipelago, more commonly known as the Orange Islands, is a large chain of tropical islands shown in the anime that is located south of the Kanto region. Pokémon Trainers come here to participate in the Orange League, but its tropical climate also attracts many tourists. One effect of the climate is the presence of alternately colored Pokémon.

Orange Islands Sidequests


Battle # Trainer/Location Team
469 Rich Boy Theodore
Valencia Island
Shiny ButterfreeShiny WeepinbellShiny Paras
470 Bug Catcher Flint
Valencia Island
Dark CaterpieKakunaShiny ParasParasParasect
471 Youngster Leighton
Valencia Island
RaticateRattataShiny RaticateEkans
472 Twins Kate and Kat
Valencia Island
473 Fisherman Seth
Tangelo Island
Dark MagikarpShiny PoliwagDark GyaradosRemoraid
474 Swimmer Stacey
Tangelo Island
LaprasShiny LaprasDark LaprasMetallic LaprasMystic LaprasShadow Lapras
475 Bug Catcher JJ
Tangelo Island
Dark BeedrillShiny KakunaCaterpieWeedleMystic Metapod
476 Youngster Felicity
Tangelo Island
Shiny Nidoran (F)Shiny Nidoran (M)RattataDark Pikachu
477 Swimmer Lesley
Mikan Island
SeadraMystic BlastoiseShiny SeadraHorseaStarmie
478 Lady Jemima
Mikan Island
Dark VileplumeShiny ButterfreeMystic NidorinaShadow StarmieMetallic Gloom
479 Sailor Scotty
Mikan Island
MachokeMachampShiny HitmonleeDark PoliwrathMetallic Onix
480 Swimmer Jade
Mikan Island
GoldeenDark StaryuShiny SeadraMystic PoliwhirlSquirtle
481 Old Couple John and Agnes
Mikan Island
MachopMachampHitmonleePoliwrathShadow Hitmonchan
482 Gambler Gerard
Mandarin Island North
GrowlitheShiny VulpixShiny VulpixDark Geodude
483 Officer Antonia
Mandarin Island North
Dark GrowlitheDark GrowlitheShiny GrowlitheMetallic GrowlitheShadow Growlithe
484 Twins Claire and Clare
Mandarin Island North
485 Rich Boy Logan
Mandarin Island North
Mystic ButterfreeMetallic LaprasShiny Arcanine
486 Lady Daniella
Pinkan Island
Pink RattataPink RaticatePink ButterfreePink RhyhornPink Diglett
487 Bird Keeper Roger
Pinkan Island
Pink DoduoPink PidgeyPink DodrioPink PidgeottoPink PidgeyPink Butterfree
488 Digger Jonas
Pinkan Island
Pink DiglettPink NidokingPink DugtrioPink DugtrioPink RhydonPink Rhyhorn
489 Super Nerd Benny
Pinkan Island
Pink ElectabuzzPink ElectabuzzPink RaichuPink ElectabuzzPink Pidgey
490 Gambler Dustin
Pinkan Island
Pink DodrioPink RattataPink RaticatePink VileplumePink ParasPink Venonat
491 Camper Samuel
Pinkan Island
Pink CaterpiePink MetapodPink ButterfreePink WeedlePink KakunaPink Beedrill
492 Bug Catcher Liam
Pinkan Island
Pink BellsproutPink ExeggutorPink VileplumePink PidgeyPink WeedlePink Metapod
493 Lady Phillipa
Pinkan Island
Pink OddishPink GloomPink RaichuPink ButterfreePink Dodrio
494 Blackbelt Harvey
Pinkan Island
Pink PrimeapePink PrimeapePink PrimeapePink PrimeapePink PrimeapePink Primeape
495 Ruin Maniac Malone
Fukuhara Island No. 4
KabutoDark KabutoShiny KabutoShadow KabutoKabutops
496 Ruin Maniac Destin
Fukuhara Island No. 4
Shadow KabutoShadow KabutoMystic KabutoMystic KabutoKabutopsShiny Kabutops
497 Hiker Carlos
Fukuhara Island No. 4
KabutoOnixMachokeGolbatDark Machamp
498 Fisherman Sven
Kinnow Island
SquirtleDark SquirtleShiny MagikarpMystic GoldeenMystic SeakingHorsea
499 Psychic Jenny
Kinnow Island
JynxShiny JynxMr. MimeDark Mr. MimeStarmieMystic Starmie
500 Firebreather Mike
Kinnow Island
CharmanderDark GrowlitheShiny VulpixShadow PonytaMystic Rapidash
501 Youngster Davey
Kinnow Island
RattataShiny RattataDark EkansMystic PidgeyMetallic Caterpie
502 Gambler Kevin
Kinnow Island
ElectrodeShiny VoltorbDark GrowlitheMystic MukShadow Fearow
503 Swimmer Brittany
Unnamed Island
Mystic ShellderDark SeelMetallic DewgongShellderShiny CloysterDark Wartortle
504 Tuber Lilah
Unnamed Island
ShellderMystic SeelMystic HorseaMystic GoldeenDark Krabby
505 Fisherman James
Unnamed Island
Dark MagikarpShiny MagikarpMystic GyaradosShadow GyaradosPoliwhirlPoliwrath
506 Gentleman Borris
Navel Island
Shiny RapidashDark FearowMetallic SnorlaxShadow Ninetales
507 Picnicker Tiffany
Navel Island
CaterpieShiny ButterfreeMystic PikachuShadow Nidorino
508 Camper Jonty
Navel Island
MetapodDark BeedrillShiny RaichuShiny Nidorina
509 Hiker Guppy
Navel Island
Shiny GeodudeMystic OnixDark GravelerMystic MachokeShadow GolemGolbat
510 Sailor Ian
Navel Island
Dark PoliwrathShiny GyaradosMystic BlastoiseDewgong
511 Bug Catcher Leon
Seven Grapefruit Islands
Dark CaterpieMystic CaterpieShadow MetapodShiny WeedleMetallic WeedleBeedrill
512 Pokefan Patrick
Seven Grapefruit Islands
SnorlaxDark SnorlaxShadow SnorlaxShiny SnorlaxMetallic SnorlaxMystic Snorlax
513 Aroma Lady Triss
Seven Grapefruit Islands
Shiny VileplumeShiny OddishShiny GloomShiny Chansey
514 Beauty Meghan
Seven Grapefruit Islands
Mystic SnorlaxShiny ButterfreeChanseyNidoqueenMetallic OddishMetallic Bellsprout
515 Camper Roddy
Seven Grapefruit Islands
WeepinbellDark WeedleMystic BellsproutShadow Kakuna
516 Bug Catcher Miles
Seven Grapefruit Islands
KakunaShiny KakunaWeedleDark WeedleButterfreeMystic Butterfree
517 Lass Hannah
Seven Grapefruit Islands
Shiny JigglypuffDark ClefairyShiny JigglypuffShiny JigglypuffDark ClefairyDark Clefairy
518 Channeler Lewis
Moro Island
HaunterDark GastlyDark GengarZubat
519 Channeler Finn
Moro Island
HaunterShadow HaunterDark HaunterDark GengarGengarGastly
520 Sailor Justin
Moro Island
GengarShadow PoliwrathShadow OnixShadow BlastoiseShadow Gyarados
521 Psychic Nellie
Moro Island
Dark AlakazamDark Mr. MimeDark AbraShadow Hypno
522 Hiker Gustav
Moro Island
Dark OnixShiny OnixMystic GeodudeShadow GolemShadow Geodude
523 Pokefan Pablo
Golden Island
524 Pokefan Hassan
Golden Island
MeowthShiny MeowthMystic MeowthShadow MeowthMetallic MeowthDark Meowth
525 Lass Veronica
Golden Island
PersianMystic PersianDark PersianShiny Meowth
526 Camper Benny
Golden Island
Nidoran (M)Dark NidorinaButterfreeKakunaBeedrill
527 Ace Trainer Jordan
Golden Island
NidokingAlakazamDark PersianShiny SnorlaxDark BeedrillShadow Charmeleon
528 Bug Catcher Leeson
Murcott Island
CaterpieShiny CaterpieDark MetapodMetallic MetapodMystic ButterfreeShiny Butterfree
529 Bug Catcher Johnny
Murcott Island
PinsirMetallic PinsirScytherShadow ScytherBeedrill
530 Aroma Lady Lillian
Murcott Island
Shiny VenomothShiny VenonatShiny ParasShiny BellsproutShiny WeepinbellShiny Oddish
531 Bug Catcher Mustafa
Murcott Island
Mystic ScytherScytherScytherScytherDark PinsirShadow Pinsir
532 Hiker Barney
Mandarin Island South
Metallic OnixMystic GeodudeMetallic GolemShadow OnixMetallic Geodude
533 Hiker Paul
Mandarin Island South
Mystic GeodudeShiny GolemShadow GravelerGolemMetallic GolbatShadow Geodude
534 Hiker Craig
Mandarin Island South
Dark GolbatShiny GolemMetallic OnixMetallic GeodudeShadow Onix
535 Picnicker Candice
Mandarin Island South
Shiny PikachuCaterpieDark ButterfreeDark Nidoran (F)
536 Youngster Lola
Mandarin Island South
ClefairyShiny ClefableMystic Jigglypuff
537 Bug Catcher Gabe
Mandarin Island South
KakunaDark MetapodShiny ButterfreeMystic BeedrillShadow Pinsir
538 Ace Trainer Finlay
Mandarin Island South
GolduckCharizardMetallic VenusaurChanseyArbokShiny Electabuzz
539 Ace Trainer Sebsatian
Mandarin Island South
GyaradosShiny WigglytuffAlakazamTaurosKangaskhanNidoking
540 Swimmer Kelsey
Mandarin Island South
Mystic BlastoiseDark LaprasShiny StaryuMystic GoldeenShiny Starmie
541 Swimmer Davyd
Mandarin Island South
Mystic LaprasShadow StarmieMystic OmastarWartortleMystic Seaking
542 Pokefan Peter
Mandarin Island South
EeveeDark JolteonMystic FlareonShiny Vaporeon
543 Sailor Donald
Trovita Island
Dark PoliwrathPoliwhirlDark SandslashBlastoiseShadow Blastoise
544 Sailor Timothy
Trovita Island
MachokeMetallic MachampDark MachampShiny BlastoiseBlastoisePoliwrath
545 Fisherman Lucas
Trovita Island
GyaradosDark GyaradosMystic GyaradosMagikarpSeaking
546 Aroma Lady Olivia
Trovita Island
ExeggutorShiny VileplumeShiny OddishShiny OddishShiny GloomShiny Victreebel
547 Engineer Blake
Trovita Island
Shiny ElectabuzzShadow ElectrodeShiny VoltorbMystic PikachuShadow Raichu
548 Hiker Jerry
Fairchild Island
RhydonDark RhydonShadow RhydonMystic RhydonShiny RhydonRhydon
549 Bird Keeper Daryl
Fairchild Island
PidgeotMystic PidgeottoMystic PidgeyMystic PidgeotMystic PidgeyMystic Pidgeot
550 Bird Keeper Isaac
Fairchild Island
FearowShiny SpearowMystic PidgeyMetallic DodrioDoduo
551 Youngster Pope
Fairchild Island
Shiny RattataDark RaticateCharmeleonMetallic Arbok
552 Swimmer Felix
Shamouti Island
SlowbroDark SlowpokeShiny StarmieMetallic HorseaShiny Slowpoke
553 Beauty Nahla
Shamouti Island
VileplumeMystic OddishMystic OddishMystic OddishMystic OddishDark Gloom
554 Pokefan Colin
Shamouti Island
SlowbroMystic SlowpokeShiny SlowbroMetallic SlowpokeShadow SlowbroSlowking
555 Sailor Burt
Lightning Island
Dark PoliwrathDark Gyarados
556 Sailor Mickey
Lightning Island
Metallic MachokeCloysterShiny CloysterDark OnixPoliwrath
557 Sailor Fabian
Lightning Island
Dark MachokeShiny MachokeShadow MachokeBlastoiseGyarados
558 ???
Lightning Island
ZapdosShiny ZapdosShadow ZapdosMystic ZapdosMetallic ZapdosDark Zapdos
559 Pokefan Glen
Fire Island
Shiny MagmarDark MagmarMetallic MagmarMystic Magmar
560 Hiker Finlay
Fire Island
GolemShiny OnixDark GolemMetallic GeodudeGolbat
561 Camper Davis
Fire Island
Mystic CharmeleonDark PidgeottoMystic PikachuNidorinaClefairy
562 ???
Fire Island
MoltresShiny MoltresShadow MoltresMystic MoltresMetallic MoltresDark Moltres
563 Youngster Terrence
Ice Island
Dark MetapodShiny PikachuDark RaticateMetallic Geodude
564 Hiker Moses
Ice Island
Metallic OnixDark GolemGravelerShiny GeodudeShadow GeodudeGeodude
565 Hiker Lee
Ice Island
OnixOnixDark GeodudeShiny GeodudeMystic Golem
566 ???
Ice Island
ArticunoShiny ArticunoShadow ArticunoMystic ArticunoMetallic ArticunoDark Articuno
567 Blackbelt Charles
Cleopatra Island
Shiny PoliwrathShiny PoliwrathShiny PoliwrathHitmonchanHitmonleeMachoke
568 Crush Girl Lyka
Cleopatra Island
Dark MachokeMystic MachopDark HitmonleeShiny Hitmonlee
569 Blackbelt Franz
Cleopatra Island
Mystic MachokeMystic MachokeMystic MachokeMystic MachokeMystic MachokeMystic Machoke
570 Beauty Ana
Cleopatra Island
Shiny OddishShiny GloomShiny ChanseyShiny Clefable
571 Pokefan Austin
Ascorbia Island
WartortleShiny WartortleDark WartortleMystic Wartortle
572 Officer Keenan
Ascorbia Island
Dark GrowlitheDark ArcanineShadow SquirtleShadow BlastoiseShadow Blastoise
573 Youngster Liam
Ascorbia Island
RattataShiny PidgeyDark PoliwagNidoran (F)
574 Rocket Grunt Melanie
Ascorbia Island
Shadow ArbokShadow GolbatShadow Meowth
575 Beauty Eleanor
Butwal Island
Shiny GloomMystic BellsproutDark VileplumeMystic OddishDark Bulbasaur
576 Bug Catcher Tre
Butwal Island
ButterfreeShiny ButterfreeBeedrillShiny Beedrill
577 Bug Catcher Cullen
Butwal Island
Dark CaterpieShiny CaterpieWeedleShadow WeedleBeedrill
578 Ace Trainer Cleo
Butwal Island
Dark DratiniMystic CharmeleonMystic IvysaurRaichuDark ChanseyRhydon
579 Officer Tracey
Kumquat Island
Shiny GrowlitheShiny ArcanineShadow PikachuMystic Arcanine
580 Youngster Mike
Kumquat Island
Dark RaticateMystic RattataShadow RaticateShiny RattataMetallic RaticatePidgey
581 Beauty Bryony
Kumquat Island
BellsproutWeepinbellDark GloomShiny OddishShiny Vileplume
582 Gambler Lake
Kumquat Island
Dark VoltorbShiny GrowlitheArbokMetallic Magnemite
583 Bug Catcher Steven
Rind Island
CaterpieDark MetapodShiny WeedleMystic CaterpieDark Kakuna
584 Ace Trainer Pheobe
Rind Island
Shiny DragonairMystic RapidashDark MagmarShiny ChanseyShadow RaichuDark Cloyster
585 Swimmer Peter
Rind Island
PoliwhirlBlastoiseVaporeonDark ShellderDark SeadraMystic Kingler
586 Swimmer Candy
Rind Island
KrabbyShiny HorseaDark PoliwrathMagikarpMystic HorseaShiny Squirtle
587 Sailor Kayne
Rind Island
PoliwrathShiny GyaradosMachokeMachampDark Blastoise
588 Blackbelt Eugene
Pummelo Island
HitmonleeDark HitmonchanShiny HitmonchanMachop
589 Crush Girl Felicity
Pummelo Island
Shiny MachopShiny MachokeShiny MachampDark HitmonleeDark Hitmonchan
590 Beauty Bianca
Pummelo Island
VileplumeMystic BellsproutShadow OddishMystic Oddish
591 Hiker Daffyd
Pummelo Island
Metallic GolemShiny Geodude
592 Rocket Grunt Mika
Tarroco Island
593 Burglar Sam
Tarroco Island
Dark GolbatDark ElectrodeDark PikachuDark MachopDark Growlithe
594 Swimmer Stella
Tarroco Island
Mystic LaprasShiny LaprasDark LaprasShadow Lapras
595 Swimmer Richard
Tarroco Island
Dark BlastoiseShiny StarmieMystic LaprasMystic CloysterMetallic ShellderShiny Squirtle
596 Swimmer Nigel
Tarroco Island
Dark SquirtleMystic CloysterShiny LaprasDark Staryu
597 Youngster Freddie
Hamlin Island
TogepiShiny TogepiMystic Togepi
598 Sailor Pablo
Hamlin Island
Shadow PoliwrathMystic OnixDark BlastoiseShiny Graveler
599 Lass Trisha
Hamlin Island
Shiny PidgeyDark JigglypuffShiny ChanseyMystic PikachuShadow Shellder
600 Lass Betty
Hamlin Island
Mystic PidgeotDark JigglypuffNidoran (F)Mystic RaichuNidoran (M)Pidgey
601 Ace Trainer Rudolph
Hamlin Island
Shiny DragoniteDark KangaskhanMystic CloysterDark RapidashMystic ExeggutorShiny Charizard
602 Psychic Azef
Hamlin Island
Mr. MimeDark AlakazamShiny HypnoGolduck
603 ???
Orange Sea
LugiaShiny LugiaShadow LugiaMystic LugiaMetallic LugiaDark Lugia
604 ???
Sunburst Island
Shiny ArticunoShiny ZapdosShiny MoltresShiny LugiaCrystal Onix

Prizes and Drop Rates

Orange Islands Sidequest rewards will always drop an avatar of a Pokémon from the Kanto or Johto region.

Prize Rarity Pool Drop Rate
25x Dive Balls Common 15%
25x Dusk Balls Common 15%
25x Moon Balls Common 15%
25x Net Balls Common 15%
25x Master Balls Uncommon 34%
50x Master Balls Rare 6%

Orange Islands League

Gym Leaders

Mikan Island Gym

Seadra Blastoise
58 60
Navel Island Gym

Nidoqueen Machoke Scyther Electrode Geodude
60 61 61 63 62
Trovita Island Gym

Electabuzz Exeggutor Starmie Hitmonchan Ninetales
65 66 68 67 68
Kumquat Island Gym

Alakazam Marowak
76 77

Head Gym Leader

Pummelo Island Stadium

Ditto Onix Gengar Electabuzz Venusaur Dragonite
88 87 89 90 93 95