Sevii Islands

From Pokémon Vortex Wiki
Johto Sevii Islands TCG Islands

The Sevii Islands are an archipelago of nine large islands and several small islands surrounding them far south of mainland Kanto, and are home to several Legendary and Mythical Pokémon: Moltres, Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Deoxys.

Sevii Island Sidequests


Battle # Trainer/Location Team
309 Sailor Simon
Treasure Beach
Dark PoliwrathMystic PoliwrathShiny PoliwrathDark MachokeMystic MachokeShiny Machoke
310 Swimmer Daniel
Treasure Beach
Metallic LaprasMystic OctilleryDark GyaradosShiny Starmie
311 Swimmer Melvin
Treasure Beach
Shadow StaryuShadow StarmieShadow WartortleShadow CroconawShadow Poliwhirl
312 Ace Trainer Megan
One Island
Shiny RapidashShiny WigglytuffShiny SnorlaxShiny Blastoise
313 Ace Trainer Lesley
One Island
Dark FearowDark ButterfreeDark AlakazamDark LaprasDark Raichu
314 Ace Trainer Esther
One Island
Shiny DugtrioShiny ClefableShiny TyranitarShiny EspeonShiny Jolteon
315 Pokefan Jean
Kindle Road
RapidashShiny RapidashMetallic RapidashShadow RapidashMystic RapidashDark Rapidash
316 Ace Trainer Sally
Kindle Road
Dark VenusaurShiny CharizardMystic BlastoiseDark MeganiumShiny TyphlosionMystic Feraligatr
317 Sailor Lewis
Kindle Road
Dark PoliwrathDark GyaradosDark VaporeonDark MachokeDark LaprasDark Blastoise
318 Ace Trainer Bobby
Mt. Ember
Shiny MagmarDark SudowoodoMystic ChanseyMetallic DragoniteShadow Umbreon
319 Ace Trainer Elise
Mt. Ember
Shiny EeveeDark AlakazamMystic KangaskhanMetallic HypnoShadow Wigglytuff
320 Hiker Cecil
Mt. Ember
Metallic GolemShiny SteelixDark HitmonleeShadow GolbatMystic Shuckle
321 ???
Mt. Ember
MoltresMystic MoltresShiny MoltresMetallic MoltresShadow MoltresDark Moltres
322 Sailor Jerry
Two Island
Mystic BlastoiseShadow VaporeonDark PolitoedMetallic GyaradosShiny LanturnSlowking
323 Sailor Bruce
Two Island
Dark OctilleryShiny MantineMetallic SlowbroMystic KingdraShadow Azumarill
324 Youngster Patty
Two Island
325 Ace Trainer Cassidy
Cape Brink
Dark WigglytuffShiny AzumarillMystic MantineShadow AmbipomMetallic FlareonPikachu
326 Ace Trainer Ruby
Cape Brink
Shiny EspeonDark RaichuMetallic FurretMystic NidoqueenShadow PidgeotAlakazam
327 Pokefan Kyle
Cape Brink
Shadow QuagsireShadow QuagsireShadow QuagsireShadow QuagsireShadow QuagsireShadow Quagsire
328 Biker Davey
Three Island
Dark MukShiny WeezingShadow Golbat
329 Biker Oliver
Three Island
Metallic MukMystic WeezingDark AriadosShadow Crobat
330 Cue Ball Luke
Three Island
Dark WeezingMystic WeezingMetallic WeezingDark MukMystic MukMetallic Muk
331 Pokefan Jemima
Three Isle Port
DunsparceShiny DunsparceMystic DunsparceDark DunsparceMetallic DunsparceShadow Dunsparce
332 Ace Trainer Annie
Three Isle Port
Mystic DragoniteDark TyranitarShiny BlisseyMetallic CrobatShadow Dodrio
333 Ace Trainer Suzie
Three Isle Port
Shiny XatuDark AmpharosMystic TogeticMetallic MantineShadow Charizard
334 Ace Trainer Tyrone
Three Isle Path
Dark MachampShiny VileplumeMystic RaichuShadow SunfloraMetallic PinsirMeganium
335 Sailor Mikey
Three Isle Path
Dark PoliwrathShiny OctilleryMystic StarmieMetallic Machoke
336 Pokefan Pryce
Three Isle Path
SnorlaxMystic SnorlaxMetallic SnorlaxShiny SnorlaxDark SnorlaxShadow Snorlax
337 Twins Joy and Meg
Bond Bridge
Dark ClefairyShiny ClefairyMystic ClefairyDark ClefairyShiny ClefairyMystic Clefairy
338 Swimmer Mya
Bond Bridge
Dark KinglerMystic KrabbyShiny KinglerShadow Krabby
339 Beauty Violet
Bond Bridge
Shiny IvysaurShiny ClefairyShiny PikachuShiny JigglypuffShiny MarillShiny Staryu
340 Pokefan Ashe
Berry Forest
HypnoDark HypnoShiny HypnoMetallic HypnoMystic HypnoShadow Hypno
341 Youngster Olly
Four Island
Dark WooperShiny PsyduckShadow PoliwagMystic Goldeen
342 Fisherman Rory
Four Island
Shiny SeakingDark GyaradosMystic RemoraidShadow SlowpokeMetallic Psyduck
343 Beauty Ava
Four Island
Metallic VenusaurMystic VileplumeShadow PikachuShiny SunfloraDark GloomBellsprout
344 Hiker Frankie
Icefall Cave
Metallic GolemDark OnixMetallic SteelixDark GeodudeMetallic MachampDark Sandslash
345 Ace Trainer Lucia
Icefall Cave
Shiny SneaselMystic DewgongDark GolbatShadow AzumarillMetallic Golduck
346 Rocket Grunt Adrian
Icefall Cave
Dark GolbatShiny MukMystic ArbokMetallic RaichuShadow Slowking
347 Ace Trainer Lilli
Five Island
Shiny DragonairShiny Gyarados
348 Fisherman Haydan
Five Island
Shiny MagikarpShiny MagikarpDark GoldeenDark GoldeenMetallic RemoraidMetallic Remoraid
349 Youngster Billy
Five Island
Mystic CaterpieDark RattataMetallic PidgeotShadow PichuShiny Clefairy
350 Pokemon Breeder Alice
Water Labyrinth
MarillShiny MarillPikachuShiny PikachuClefairyShiny Clefairy
351 Swimmer Jackson
Water Labyrinth
GyaradosDark LaprasMystic SeakingShiny GyaradosMetallic SeakingShadow Poliwhirl
352 Swimmer Sven
Water Labyrinth
Dark OctilleryGoldeenShiny PsyduckMetallic RemoraidMantineMystic Squirtle
353 Lady Daniella
Resort Gorgeous
SkiploomShiny SkiploomSunfloraDark SunfloraMareepShiny Mareep
354 Swimmer Toby
Resort Gorgeous
355 Painter Carlos
Resort Gorgeous
Mystic SmeargleMystic SmeargleMystic SmeargleMystic SmeargleMystic SmeargleMystic Smeargle
356 Psychic Lanie
Lost Cave
Dark AbraDark KadabraDark AlakazamDark DrowzeeDark HypnoDark Mr. Mime
357 Ruin Maniac Alexander
Lost Cave
Shiny MarowakDark GolemMetallic OnixShadow Sandslash
358 Psychic Rachel
Lost Cave
XatuNatuMystic XatuMystic NatuShadow Espeon
359 Rocket Grunt Ella
Five Isle Meadow
360 Rocket Grunt Sebastian
Five Isle Meadow
ArbokShadow WeezingDark KoffingMukEkansShiny Vileplume
361 Rocket Grunt Cecilia
Five Isle Meadow
GloomMystic GloomMetallic VileplumeShiny ArbokDark Raticate
362 Rocket Grunt Elenaor
Rocket Warehouse
MeowthShiny GloomDark ArbokGloomMetallic GolbatRattata
363 Rocket Grunt Jock
Rocket Warehouse
Dark WeezingKoffingShiny ZubatMetallic MukGolbatMystic Raticate
364 Scientist Gideon
Rocket Warehouse
Dark VoltorbDark ElectrodeDark MagnemiteDark MagnetonShadow Porygon
365 Bird Keeper Albert
Memorial Pillar
SpearowShiny SpearowDark SpearowMetallic Spearow
366 Ace Trainer Casper
Memorial Pillar
Shiny AlakazamMetallic ClefableDark GyaradosShadow TyranitarMystic Nidoqueen
367 Bird Keeper Lief
Memorial Pillar
Mystic Fearow
368 Youngster Ricky
Six Island
Dark RattataShiny RaticateMystic PidgeyShadow PidgeottoSpearowSentret
369 Bug Catcher Sloan
Six Island
CaterpieDark CaterpieWeedleShiny WeedleShadow BeedrillShadow Butterfree
370 Youngster Melody
Six Island
Dark MarillShiny SentretShadow PikachuMetallic PidgeyMystic Hoothoot
371 Swimmer Denise
Water Path
Shiny ChinchouChinchouDark LanturnLanturnShiny StarmieShiny Lapras
372 Swimmer Dougie
Water Path
Dark BlastoiseMystic BlastoiseStaryuShiny StarmieRemoraid
373 Swimmer Miu
Water Path
StarmieMystic CloysterDark CloysterShiny CloysterLaprasSquirtle
374 Pokemon Breeder Cici
Pattern Bush
Shiny ChanseyShiny BlisseyShiny ChanseyShiny BlisseyShiny ChanseyShiny Blissey
375 Bug Catcher Lou
Pattern Bush
HeracrossPinsirScytherScizorDark BeedrillDark Beedrill
376 Youngster Callum
Pattern Bush
Farfetch'dShiny Farfetch'dMystic SpearowShadow Nidorina
377 Psychic Jennifer
Green Path
Shiny SlowbroDark NatuShadow AbraShadow KadabraMystic Mr. MimeDrowzee
378 Pokemon Breeder Charlie
Green Path
Mystic ClefairyMystic ClefableMystic JigglypuffMystic WigglytuffMystic Vulpix
379 Ace Trainer Juan
Green Path
Metallic KadabraMetallic ArcanineMetallic BlastoiseMetallic DragonairMetallic ExeggutorMetallic Noctowl
380 Swimmer Nicola
Outcast Island
Dark StarmieShiny StarmieMetallic MarillMystic MarillShadow Poliwhirl
381 Swimmer Bryan
Outcast Island
Dark OctilleryShadow SeadraMystic Wartortle
382 Swimmer Isacc
Outcast Island
Shiny QwilfishDark GyaradosMystic SlowpokeShadow KinglerPsyduckHorsea
383 Hiker Lee
Altering Cave
AipomDark GolemDark SteelixDark OnixDark GeodudeDark Machamp
384 Hiker Billy-Joe
Altering Cave
AipomShadow SteelixShadow GravelerShadow OnixShadow ShuckleShadow Machoke
385 Hiker Preston
Altering Cave
AipomMystic GolemMystic OnixMystic MachopMystic GolbatMystic Sandslash
386 Ruin Maniac Stan
Ruin Valley
OnixDark OnixGolemDark Golem
387 Ruin Maniac Lester
Ruin Valley
KabutopsDark KabutoShiny KabutoOmastarGeodude
388 Ruin Maniac Colin
Ruin Valley
Metallic GeodudeMetallic GeodudeMetallic GeodudeMetallic GeodudeMetallic GeodudeMetallic Geodude
389 Scientist Gideon
Dotted Hole
Dark VoltorbDark MagnetonDark PikachuDark MagnemiteShiny Porygon
390 Youngster Anin
Seven Island
Shiny PidgeyDark RattataMystic Farfetch'dShadow Nidorino
391 Youngster Cody
Seven Island
Shiny SpearowDark RattataMystic RaticateShadow SentretLedyba
392 Youngster Nelson
Seven Island
CyndaquilMystic PidgeyDark CharmanderMetallic RaticateRattataCaterpie
393 Psychic Dario
Trainer Tower
Shiny HypnoMystic HypnoShiny KadabraMystic KadabraShiny NatuMystic Natu
394 Camper Kamsi
Trainer Tower
Dark VenomothShiny ButterfreeMystic VulpixClefairyShadow Pikachu
395 Sailor Winston
Trainer Tower
Dark FeraligatrMystic KangaskhanShadow SeadraMetallic KadabraShiny Electabuzz
396 Aroma Lady Aurora
Canyon Entrance
Shiny BellossomDark BellossomMystic SunfloraShadow SunfloraOddishClefairy
397 Pokemon Ranger Morgan
Canyon Entrance
HoundourMystic GloomDark WeepinbellShadow Growlithe
398 Juggler Peter
Canyon Entrance
Shiny VoltorbShiny VoltorbDark PinecoDark PinecoMystic ElectrodeMystic Electrode
399 Crush Girl Cydny
Sevault Canyon
400 Crush Girl Micaiah
Sevault Canyon
Dark MankeyDark MachopDark HitmonleeDark Mankey
401 Tamer Kevin
Sevault Canyon
Shiny UrsaringMetallic ArbokMystic SandslashUrsaringShiny LickitungShadow Sandshrew
402 Ruin Maniac Brett
Tanoby Key
Dark GeodudeShiny ShuckleMystic GastlyMetallic Geodude
403 Ruin Maniac Bartoc
Tanoby Ruins
Shiny GeodudeShiny GravelerShiny GeodudeMystic GeodudeShadow GeodudeMetallic Golem
404 Painter Edna
Tanoby Ruins
Dark SmeargleDark SmeargleMystic SmeargleMystic SmeargleShiny SmeargleShiny Smeargle
405 Ruin Maniac Cliff
Tanoby Ruins
Shadow GravelerShiny GolemMystic GolemGeodude
406 ???
Tanoby Chambers
Mystic Unown (A)Mystic Unown (B)Mystic Unown (C)Mystic Unown (D)Mystic Unown (E)Mystic Unown (F)
407 ???
Tanoby Chambers
Mystic Unown (G)Mystic Unown (H)Mystic Unown (I)Mystic Unown (J)Mystic Unown (K)Mystic Unown (L)
408 ???
Tanoby Chambers
Mystic Unown (M)Mystic Unown (N)Mystic Unown (O)Mystic Unown (P)Mystic Unown (Q)Mystic Unown (R)
409 ???
Tanoby Chambers
Mystic Unown (S)Mystic Unown (T)Mystic Unown (U)Mystic Unown (V)Mystic Unown (W)Mystic Unown (X)
410 ???
Tanoby Chambers
Mystic Unown (Y)Mystic Unown (Z)Unown (Qm)
411 ???
Navel Rock
LugiaShiny LugiaDark LugiaShadow LugiaMystic LugiaMetallic Lugia
412 ???
Navel Rock
Ho-ohShiny Ho-ohDark Ho-ohShadow Ho-ohMystic Ho-ohMetallic Ho-oh
413 ???
Birth Island
DeoxysShiny DeoxysDark DeoxysShadow DeoxysMystic DeoxysMetallic Deoxys
414 ???
Birth Island
Deoxys (Attack)Shiny Deoxys (Attack)Mystic Deoxys (Attack)Metallic Deoxys (Attack)Shadow Deoxys (Attack)Dark Deoxys (Attack)
415 ???
Birth Island
Deoxys (Speed)Shiny Deoxys (Speed)Mystic Deoxys (Speed)Metallic Deoxys (Speed)Shadow Deoxys (Speed)Dark Deoxys (Speed)
416 ???
Birth Island
Deoxys (Defense)Shiny Deoxys (Defense)Mystic Deoxys (Defense)Metallic Deoxys (Defense)Shadow Deoxys (Defense)Dark Deoxys (Defense)

Prizes and Drop Rates

Sevii Islands Sidequest rewards will always drop an avatar of a Pokémon from the Kanto or Johto region.

Prize Rarity Pool Drop Rate
25x Dive Balls Common 15%
25x Dusk Balls Common 15%
25x Moon Balls Common 15%
25x Net Balls Common 15%
25x Master Balls Uncommon 34%
50x Master Balls Rare 6%