
From Pokémon Vortex Wiki

Volcanion Event

Volcanion was released on all fire maps during both the day and night from the 11th of November, 2014 to the 12th of November, 2014. Volcanions could have been found in their Normal, Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Metallic and Shadow variants and had a spawn rate the same as legendary Pokémon.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Volcanion Shiny Volcanion Dark Volcanion Mystic Volcanion Metallic Volcanion Shadow Volcanion

Christmas 2014 - Caterpie (Christmas) Event

Caterpie (Christmas) was released on all grass maps only during the night on the 25th of December, 2014. Caterpie (Christmas) had an appearance rate like every legendary Pokemon. This event lasted until the 27th of December, 2014.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Caterpie (Christmas) Shiny Caterpie (Christmas) Dark Caterpie (Christmas) Mystic Caterpie (Christmas) Metallic Caterpie (Christmas) Shadow Caterpie (Christmas)

New Year 2015 - Pikachu Cosplay Event

On the 2nd of January, 2015, all players received an Event Ticket, which allowed the player to open the Event Center. Players were required to catch every normal form of Unown to get one random Pikachu Cosplay varying between; Pikachu (Belle), Pikachu (Libre), Pikachu (Ph. D.), Pikachu (Pop Star) or Pikachu (Rock Star). This event ended on the 13th of January, 2015.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Pikachu (Belle) Shiny Pikachu (Belle) Dark Pikachu (Belle) Mystic Pikachu (Belle) Metallic Pikachu (Belle) Shadow Pikachu (Belle)
Pikachu (Libre) Shiny Pikachu (Libre) Dark Pikachu (Libre) Mystic Pikachu (Libre) Metallic Pikachu (Libre) Shadow Pikachu (Libre)
Pikachu (Ph. D.) Shiny Pikachu (Ph. D.) Dark Pikachu (Ph. D.) Mystic Pikachu (Ph. D.) Metallic Pikachu (Ph. D.) Shadow Pikachu (Ph. D.)
Pikachu (Pop Star) Shiny Pikachu (Pop Star) Dark Pikachu (Pop Star) Mystic Pikachu (Pop Star) Metallic Pikachu (Pop Star) Shadow Pikachu (Pop Star)
Pikachu (Rock Star) Shiny Pikachu (Rock Star) Dark Pikachu (Rock Star) Mystic Pikachu (Rock Star) Metallic Pikachu (Rock Star) Shadow Pikachu (Rock Star)

Kyurem (Black) & Kyurem (White) Event

On the 8th of July, 2015, every player that defeated the event trainers received an event ticket. After unlocking event center, players were required to buy a DNA Splicer for Pokémoney500,000. The DNA Splicer enabled players to fuse their Kyurem and Reshiram into Kyurem (White) or Kyurem and Zekrom into Kyurem (Black). After the Kyurems were fused, they were automatically lvl 100 and took the statistic attributes (Such as happiness and OT) of the Kyurem. The event ended on the 20th of July, 2015.

This event returned on the 21st of May, 2016 and lasted until the 12th of June, 2016.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Kyurem (White) Shiny Kyurem (White) Dark Kyurem (White) Mystic Kyurem (White) Metallic Kyurem (White) Shadow Kyurem (White)
Kyurem (Black) Shiny Kyurem (Black) Dark Kyurem (Black) Mystic Kyurem (Black) Metallic Kyurem (Black) Shadow Kyurem (Black)

Zygarde (Cell), (Core), (Partial) & (Complete) Event

The Zygarde event started on the 2nd of October, 2015 and ended on 30th of October, 2015. A DNA Splicer was required for the event. However, if a player already bought DNA Splicers during the previous Kyurem event, that player was not require to purchase DNA Splicers a second time for this event. The price was the same at Pokémoney500,000.

Zygarde (Cell) was available on cave land maps during both the day and night and could be found in all of it's variants; Normal, Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Metallic, and Shadow with a spawn rate of "common" Pokémon.

Zygarde (Core) was available on cave land maps during both the day and night and could be found in all of it's variants; Normal, Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Metallic, and Shadow with a spawn rate of legendary Pokémon.

Zygarde (Partial) was attainable by fusing 10 Zygarde (Cell) and 1 Zygarde (Core) together in the event center using the DNA Splicers.

The final form, Zygarde (Complete), was attainable by fusing 5 Zygarde (Partial) and 1 Zygarde.

This event returned on the 22nd of April, 2016, and ended on the 20th of May, 2016. Instead of the cave land maps, the Zygarde cores and cells were found on the grass maps during both the night and day.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Zygarde (Cell) Shiny Zygarde (Cell) Dark Zygarde (Cell) Mystic Zygarde (Cell) Metallic Zygarde (Cell) Shadow Zygarde (Cell)
Zygarde (Core) Shiny Zygarde (Core) Dark Zygarde (Core) Mystic Zygarde (Core) Metallic Zygarde (Core) Shadow Zygarde (Core)
Zygarde (Partial) Shiny Zygarde (Partial) Dark Zygarde (Partial) Mystic Zygarde (Partial) Metallic Zygarde (Partial) Shadow Zygarde (Partial)
Zygarde (Complete) Shiny Zygarde (Complete) Dark Zygarde (Complete) Mystic Zygarde (Complete) Metallic Zygarde (Complete) Shadow Zygarde (Complete)

Halloween 2015 - Rotom (Halloween) Event

On 30th October 2015, players were able to earn an event ticket by beating all event trainers. After unlocking the event center, a trainer called Creeper was waiting to be battled and after defeating him, the player would receive a Rotom (Halloween) in the Normal variant, along with a chance to challenge Creeper a second time. However, the second time Creeper is significantly stronger, and the reward for defeating him a second time was a random Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Metallic or Shadow variant of Rotom (Halloween).

This event ended 2nd November, 2015.

Rotom (Halloween) was released for a second time as a claim event on October 31st 2017 and ended the following day on November 1st 2017.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Rotom (Halloween) Shiny Rotom (Halloween) Dark Rotom (Halloween) Mystic Rotom (Halloween) Metallic Rotom (Halloween) Shadow Rotom (Halloween)

Christmas 2015 - Pikachu (Christmas) Event

In order to obtain a Pikachu (Christmas) from event center, players were required to own a Pikachu of that variant and must be the OT (Original Trainer). If the player had the corresponding variant of Pikachu, they could then claim that same variant of Pikachu (Christmas).

This event started 22nd December 2015 and ended 31st December 2015.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Pikachu (Christmas) Shiny Pikachu (Christmas) Dark Pikachu (Christmas) Mystic Pikachu (Christmas) Metallic Pikachu (Christmas) Shadow Pikachu (Christmas)

Note: This event was re-run in February 2016 due to server issues.

Super Secret Event - Vivillon Event

Full Article.
In order to obtain Vivillon (Pokeball) and Vivillon (Fancy), players were required to complete personal and community milestones involving the total amount of trades they had completed.

This event started 12th March 2016 and ended 30th March 2016.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Vivillon (Pokeball) Shiny Vivillon (Pokeball) Dark Vivillon (Pokeball) Mystic Vivillon (Pokeball) Metallic Vivillon (Pokeball) Shadow Vivillon (Pokeball)
Vivillon (Fancy) Shiny Vivillon (Fancy) Dark Vivillon (Fancy) Mystic Vivillon (Fancy) Metallic Vivillon (Fancy) Shadow Vivillon (Fancy)

'May The 4th Be With 'Chu' - Pikachu (Jedi) Event

In order to obtain a Pikachu (Jedi), players were require to log in to the game on May 4th 2016 to claim a promo code from the in-game dashboard.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Pikachu (Jedi) Shiny Pikachu (Jedi) Dark Pikachu (Jedi) Mystic Pikachu (Jedi) Metallic Pikachu (Jedi) Shadow Pikachu (Jedi)

Arceus Exchange v1 - Arceus (Water) Event

Full Article.

In order to obtain an Arceus (Water), players were require to complete Sinnoh sidequests to obtain the profile achievement ribbon. In the event center, the player could exchange this ribbon for the item Splash Plate.

With the Splash Plate, it was possible to transform a single Arceus into an Arceus (Water) of the same variant.

This event started 28th June 2016 and ended 10th July, 2016.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Arceus (Water) Shiny Arceus (Water) Dark Arceus (Water) Mystic Arceus (Water) Metallic Arceus (Water) Shadow Arceus (Water)

Rotom (Pokedex) Event

Full Article.

On 12th August 2016, Rotom (Pokedex) was released on an electric map temporarily brought back from v1 of Pokémon Vortex. They could be found in all 6 variants with a spawn rate lower than legendary Pokémon. (Their exact spawn rate was not made public but was confirmed as rarer than legendary Pokémon)

This event ended on the 15th August 2016.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Rotom (Pokedex) Rotom (Pokedex) Dark Rotom (Pokedex) Mystic Rotom (Pokedex) Metallic Rotom (Pokedex) Shadow Rotom (Pokedex)

Arceus Exchange v2 - Arceus (Electric) Event

Full Article.

In order to obtain an Arceus (Electric), players were require to complete Sinnoh sidequests to obtain the profile achievement ribbon. In the event center, the player could exchange this ribbon for the item Zap Plate.

With the Zap Plate, it was possible to transform a single Arceus into an Arceus (Electric) of the same variant.

This event started on 18th September 2016 and ended 17th October 2016.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Arceus (Electric) Shiny Arceus (Electric) Dark Arceus (Electric) Mystic Arceus (Electric) Metallic Arceus (Electric) Shadow Arceus (Electric)

Halloween 2016 - Togepi (Halloween) Event

In order to obtain a Togepi (Halloween), players were required to claim a random variant from their dashboard in game. This event started on 31st October 2016 and ended 1st November 2016.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Togepi (Halloween) Shiny Togepi (Halloween) Dark Togepi (Halloween) Mystic Togepi (Halloween) Metallic Togepi (Halloween) Shadow Togepi (Halloween)

Spin2Win - Diglett (Christmas) Event

Full Article.

Diglett (Christmas) was the first event Pokémon to be introduced via a mini-game. In order to obtain one, players had to spin a slot machine of 3 columns. There was a small chance to win a Diglett (Christmas), Caterpie (Christmas), or a Pikachu (Christmas) among other item and cash prizes.

This event started on December 15th, 2016 and ended December 27th, 2016.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Diglett (Christmas) Shiny Diglett (Christmas) Dark Diglett (Christmas) Mystic Diglett (Christmas) Metallic Diglett (Christmas) Shadow Diglett (Christmas)

Deoxys Scavenger Hunt - Deoxys Forms Event

Full Article.

Deoxys forms, became available to players from the 9th of February, 2017, through the 23rd of February, 2017. In order to claim a Deoxys (Attack), Deoxys (Defense), or Deoxys (Speed), players had to complete a series of 10 tasks that varied in difficulty such as catching a specific Pokémon or getting to a certain point in Sidequests. For more information please go to the link above for the full article.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Deoxys (Attack) Shiny Deoxys (Attack) Dark Deoxys (Attack) Mystic Deoxys (Attack) Metallic Deoxys (Attack) Shadow Deoxys (Attack)
Deoxys (Attack) Shiny Deoxys (Defense) Dark Deoxys (Defense) Mystic Deoxys (Defense) Metallic Deoxys (Defense) Shadow Deoxys (Defense)
Deoxys (Attack) Shiny Deoxys (Speed) Dark Deoxys (Speed) Mystic Deoxys (Speed) Metallic Deoxys (Speed) Shadow Deoxys (Speed)

'I Am Your Father' - Cubone (Vader) Event

In order to obtain a Cubone (Vader), players were require to login into game then claim a free random variant from dashboard. The event was live for the 4th of May, 2017 and ran for 24 hours.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Cubone (Vader) Shiny Cubone (Vader) Dark Cubone (Vader) Mystic Cubone (Vader) Metallic Cubone (Vader) Shadow Cubone (Vader)

Christmas 2017 - Arceus (Ice) & Dugtrio (Christmas)

On December 24th 2017 after a long radio silence about any Christmas event happening, it was announced on Discord that Diglett (Christmas) obtained from the previous year or ones obtained this year from Mystery Boxes would be able to evolve to Dugtrio (Christmas) for a limited time. This event evolution was accompanied by Arceus (Ice) being released on the Ice Cave maps and double experience both running for a limited time too.

This event had each segment end on different dates:

  • Double Experience ended on December 27th 2017
  • Diglett (Christmas) evolution ended on December 28th 2017
  • Arceus (Ice) on the maps ended on December 29th 2017
Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Dugtrio (Christmas) Shiny Dugtrio (Christmas) Dark Dugtrio (Christmas) Mystic Dugtrio (Christmas) Metallic Dugtrio (Christmas) Shadow Dugtrio (Christmas)
Arceus (Ice) Shiny Arceus (Ice) Dark Arceus (Ice) Mystic Arceus (Ice) Metallic Arceus (Ice) Shadow Arceus (Ice)

Magikarp Splash

On April 1st 2018 players had a chance at getting Arceus (Unknown) by playing a Magikarp Splash minigame.

Arceus (Unknown)

May 4th 2018 - Psyduck (Jar Jar) Event

On May 4th 2018 the daily login calendar had a 100% fixed prize drop of a random variant of Psyduck (Jar Jar) - A Psyduck designed to resemble the character Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars for Star Wars Day. This is the third Star Wars based Pokémon to be added along side Pikachu (Jedi) and Cubone (Vader).

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Psyduck (Jar Jar) Shiny Psyduck (Jar Jar) Dark Psyduck (Jar Jar) Mystic Psyduck (Jar Jar) Metallic Psyduck (Jar Jar) Shadow Psyduck (Jar Jar)

Arceus (Dark) Event

On 23rd June 2018 Arceus (Dark) was released onto the Ghost/Psychic Maps during both day and night at legendary spawn rate. This event also came with double experience and money earned from trainer battles.

The event ended on 25th June 2018.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Arceus (Dark) Shiny Arceus (Dark) Dark Arceus (Dark) Mystic Arceus (Dark) Metallic Arceus (Dark) Shadow Arceus (Dark)

Halloween 2018 - Scyther (Halloween) Event

On October 31st 2018 for 24 hours, Scyther (Halloween) was released on Map 24 & Map 25. Joining this was the introduction of Zubat (Halloween) which could be obtained in bottom tier Mystery Boxes and it's evolution; Golbat (Halloween).

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Scyther (Halloween) Shiny Scyther (Halloween) Dark Scyther (Halloween) Mystic Scyther (Halloween) Metallic Scyther (Halloween) Shadow Scyther (Halloween)
Zubat (Halloween) Shiny Zubat (Halloween) Dark Zubat (Halloween) Mystic Zubat (Halloween) Metallic Zubat (Halloween) Shadow Zubat (Halloween)
Golbat (Halloween) Shiny Golbat (Halloween) Dark Golbat (Halloween) Mystic Golbat (Halloween) Metallic Golbat (Halloween) Shadow Golbat (Halloween)

Battle of Eternity - Floette (Eternal) Event

On November 3rd 2018, a special limited-time battle was available in the Event Center for people who logged into Pokémon Vortex on November 2nd to receive an event ticket from the daily login rewards.

The battle consisted of two rounds, the first round being a 4 Pokémon team and evidently easy to win which would award the player a Normal variant of Floette (Eternal). The second round was much more challenging and required team planning to counter and resist the overpowered Pokémon. This round would award the player with a random special variant of Floette (Eternal) from Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Metallic or Shadow.

This event ended on November 5th 2018.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Floette (Eternal) Shiny Floette (Eternal) Dark Floette (Eternal) Mystic Floette (Eternal) Metallic Floette (Eternal) Shadow Floette (Eternal)

Christmas Hatchathon - Pichu & Raichu (Christmas) Event

On December 1st 2018, players started receiving Eggs in the daily login rewards. These eggs varied from four different tiers; 30min Egg, 1hr Egg, 12hr Egg and 24hr Egg. These eggs could be hatched within the Event Center starting December 5th 2018 to January 7th 2019.

The length in time an egg takes to hatch determines it's outcome value so a 30min egg wouldn't hatch a Pokémon as good as a 24hr egg. Each egg could be sold and bought on PokéBay if the player didn't want to hatch it themselves.

Only one egg could be hatched at a time unless you hatched more to unlock more incubating slots. The maximum amount of incubator slots a player could have was three. By continuously hatching lower tier eggs (30min eggs) to unlock all three incubators increased the chances of the player hatching what they want/needed from 24hr eggs by being able to hatch three at a time.

The main prize for this event that was to be aimed for was Pichu (Christmas).

On December 25th, for 24 hours, Pikachu (Christmas) could be evolved into Raichu (Christmas) using a Thunder Stone.

This event ended on January 7th.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Pichu (Christmas) Shiny Pichu (Christmas) Dark Pichu (Christmas) Mystic Pichu (Christmas) Metallic Pichu (Christmas) Shadow Pichu (Christmas)
Raichu (Christmas) Shiny Raichu (Christmas) Dark Raichu (Christmas) Mystic Raichu (Christmas) Metallic Raichu (Christmas) Shadow Raichu (Christmas)

Into the Unown Pt.1 - Unown (0) & Unown (1) Event

To start off Pokémon Vortex's 10th anniversary celebration, Unown (0) and Unown (1) was released on the rock cave and ice cave maps during both the day and night from the 23rd February 2019. Both Unown forms could have been found in their Normal, Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Metallic and Shadow variants and had a spawn rate of "rare" Pokémon.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Unown (0) Shiny Unown (0) Dark Unown (0) Mystic Unown (0) Metallic Unown (0) Shadow Unown (0)
Unown (1) Shiny Unown (1) Dark Unown (1) Mystic Unown (1) Metallic Unown (1) Shadow Unown (1)

Huntin' Keldeo - Keldeo (Resolute) Event

On 30th March 2019 to 14th April 2019, Keldeo (Resolute) was released the water section of the grass maps during both the day and night as long as the player was in the Unova section of their Sidequests progress. Keldeo (Resolute) could be found in their Normal, Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Metallic and Shadow variants and had a legendary spawn rate.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Keldeo (Resolute) Shiny Keldeo (Resolute) Dark Keldeo (Resolute) Mystic Keldeo (Resolute) Metallic Keldeo (Resolute) Shadow Keldeo (Resolute)

Run, Therian, Run! - Therian Forms Event

The Run, Therian, Run! event started from April 24, 2019 and ended on May 10, 2019. All three Therian forms, Landorus (Therian), Thundurus (Therian) and Tornadus (Therian) were made available on the maps with the appearance rate of all legendary Pokemon, with the prerequisite of being in the Unova region of Sidequests for them to spawn. They were available in all 6 variants - Normal, Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Metallic and Shadow.

Landorus (Therian) was available on all cave maps on land both day and night.

Thundurus (Therian) was available on all electric maps both day and night.

Tornadus (Therian) was available on all grass maps both day and night.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Landorus (Therian) Shiny Landorus (Therian) Dark Landorus (Therian) Mystic Landorus (Therian) Metallic Landorus (Therian) Shadow Landorus (Therian)
Thundurus (Therian) Shiny Thundurus (Therian) Dark Thundurus (Therian) Mystic Thundurus (Therian) Metallic Thundurus (Therian) Shadow Thundurus (Therian)
Tornadus (Therian) Shiny Tornadus (Therian) Dark Tornadus (Therian) Mystic Tornadus (Therian) Metallic Tornadus (Therian) Shadow Tornadus (Therian)

May 4th 2019 - Voltorb (BB-8) Event

On May 4th 2019, Voltorb (BB-8) was made available as the daily login prize for 24 hours, in celebration of Star Wars Day. All players who logged in on this day received one random variant from the six available - Normal, Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Metallic and Shadow.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Voltorb (BB-8) Shiny Voltorb (BB-8) Dark Voltorb (BB-8) Mystic Keldeo (Resolute) Metallic Voltorb (BB-8) Shadow Voltorb (BB-8)

The Fighting God - Arceus (Fighting) Event

The Fighting God was an exchange event for Arceus (Fighting) beginning on May 20, 2019 and ending on May 31, 2019. During this period players had a chance to obtain Fist Plates from all trainer battles, and were then able to change the form of their Arceus into the corresponding variant of Arceus (Fighting) using their Fist Plate in the Event Center.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Arceus (Fighting) Shiny Arceus (Fighting) Dark Arceus (Fighting) Mystic Arceus (Fighting) Metallic Arceus (Fighting) Shadow Arceus (Fighting)

Genesect Genesis v1 - Genesect (Blaze) Event

Genesect Genesis v1 was the first special event to utilize PokéBay as the only means to obtain the event required item; Burn Drive beginning on June 17, 2019 and ending on June 27, 2019. During this period players had to win randomly generated auctions containing Burn Drives which would vary between 1 and 5 in quantity. When won, the player could then use these items on their regular Genesect in the Event Center to alter their form to Genesect (Blaze).

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Genesect (Blaze) Shiny Genesect (Blaze) Dark Genesect (Blaze) Mystic Genesect (Blaze) Metallic Genesect (Blaze) Shadow Genesect (Blaze)

The Arceus Trifecta - Arceus (Grass), (Rock) & (Steel) Event

The Arceus Trifecta started on July 22, 2019 and ended on July 29, 2019. This event brought three previously unreleased Arceus forms temporarily onto different maps. Arceus (Grass) was available on the grass maps, Arceus (Rock) was available on the cave maps and Arceus (Steel) was available on the power plant (electric) maps. They had regular legendary spawn rates and were available during both day and night.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Arceus (Grass) Shiny Arceus (Grass) Dark Arceus (Grass) Mystic Arceus (Grass) Metallic Arceus (Grass) Shadow Arceus (Grass)
Arceus (Rock) Shiny Arceus (Rock) Dark Arceus (Rock) Mystic Arceus (Rock) Metallic Arceus (Rock) Shadow Arceus (Rock)
Arceus (Steel) Shiny Arceus (Steel) Dark Arceus (Steel) Mystic Arceus (Steel) Metallic Arceus (Steel) Shadow Arceus (Steel)

Genesect Genesis v2 - Genesect (Ice) Event

Genesect Genesis v2 was the second special event to utilize PokéBay as the only means to obtain the event required item; Chill Drive beginning on August 16, 2019 and ending on August 23, 2019. During this period players had to win randomly generated auctions containing Chill Drives which would vary between 1 and 5 in quantity. When won, the player could then use these items on their regular Genesect in the Event Center to alter their form to Genesect (Ice).

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Genesect (Ice) Shiny Genesect (Ice) Dark Genesect (Ice) Mystic Genesect (Ice) Metallic Genesect (Ice) Shadow Genesect (Ice)

Magearna Scavenger Hunt - Magearna Event

On October 21st 2019, the Event Center opened up for players to complete a scavenger hunt event similar to that of the Deoxys event. Players were set a series of tasks to complete ranging from battling to catching and upon completion of all tasks, would earn a normal and random special variant of Magearna.

The event ended on October 28th 2019.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Magearna Shiny Magearna Dark Magearna Mystic Magearna Metallic Magearna Shadow Magearna

Halloween 2019 - Pikachu (Halloween) Event

On October 31st 2019 Pikachu (Halloween) was made available as the daily login prize for 24 hours, in celebration of Haloween. All players who logged in on this day received one random variant from the six available - Normal, Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Metallic and Shadow.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Pikachu (Halloween) Shiny Pikachu (Halloween) Dark Pikachu (Halloween) Mystic Pikachu (Halloween) Metallic Pikachu (Halloween) Shadow Pikachu (Halloween)

Christmas 2019 - Eevee (Christmas) Event

On December 25th 2019, Eevee (Christmas) was available on the ice maps during both day and night as a rare spawn.

The event ended on December 29th, 2019.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Eevee (Christmas) Shiny Eevee (Christmas) Dark Eevee (Christmas) Mystic Eevee (Christmas) Metallic Eevee (Christmas) Shadow Eevee (Christmas)

Mr. Rime Special Event

On April 1st 2020, for 24 hours, Mr. Rime was available on a special event-exclusive live map system accessed through the Event Center.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Mr. Rime Shiny Mr. Rime Dark Mr. Rime Mystic Mr. Rime Metallic Mr. Rime Shadow Mr. Rime

May 4th 2020 - Scrafty (Ackbar) Event

On May 4th 2020 Scrafty (Ackbar) was made available as the daily login prize for 24 hours, in celebration of Star Wars Day. All players who logged in on this day received one random variant from the six available - Normal, Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Metallic and Shadow.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Scrafty (Ackbar) Shiny Scrafty (Ackbar) Dark Scrafty (Ackbar) Mystic Scrafty (Ackbar) Metallic Scrafty (Ackbar) Shadow Scrafty (Ackbar)

The Dragon God - Arceus (Dragon) Event

On June 14th, 2020 previously unreleased Arceus (Dragon) was available on the dragon map during both day and night as a legendary spawn.

The event ended on June 21st, 2020.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Arceus (Dragon) Shiny Arceus (Dragon) Dark Arceus (Dragon) Mystic Arceus (Dragon) Metallic Arceus (Dragon) Shadow Arceus (Dragon)

Halloween 2020 - Crobat (Halloween) Event

On October 31st 2020, a new area of Nightshade became accessable, players entered a building to explore the Nightshade Crypt. On this new map, Zubat (Halloween) was available as a rare spawn, which could then evolve into Golbat (Halloween). For this event Crobat (Halloween) became available for the first time and could be evolved for the duration of this event only. The event ran for two days, from the beginning of October 31st to the end of November 1st. Nightshade Crypt is now a permanent part of Nightshade.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Crobat (Halloween) Shiny Crobat (Halloween) Dark Crobat (Halloween) Mystic Crobat (Halloween) Metallic Crobat (Halloween) Shadow Crobat (Halloween)

Christmas 2020 - Metapod & Butterfree (Christmas) Event

On December 19th 2020, Caterpie (Christmas) made a return to the game and could be found on Route 14 & Route 15 as a rare spawn. In addition, it seen two new evolutions introduced to the game; Metapod (Christmas) and Butterfree (Christmas). Both evolutions were time-limited like Caterpie (Christmas)'s spawns and ended on December 27th 2020.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Metapod (Christmas) Shiny Metapod (Christmas) Dark Metapod (Christmas) Mystic Metapod (Christmas) Metallic Metapod (Christmas) Shadow Metapod (Christmas)
Butterfree (Christmas) Shiny Butterfree (Christmas) Dark Butterfree (Christmas) Mystic Butterfree (Christmas) Metallic Butterfree (Christmas) Shadow Butterfree (Christmas)

May 4th 2021 - Barbaracle (Grievous) Event

On May 4th 2021, a new addition to the previous Star Wars themed Pokémon was released on Route 9 and Wild Overgrowth. Barbaracle (Grievous) is the sixth addition to the Star Wars themed Pokémon released yearly on May 4th and was available for 24 hours at legendary spawn rarity.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Barbaracle (Grievous) Shiny Barbaracle (Grievous) Dark Barbaracle (Grievous) Mystic Barbaracle (Grievous) Metallic Barbaracle (Grievous) Shadow Barbaracle (Grievous)

Greninja's Bond - Greninja (Ash) Event

On May 22nd 2021, Greninja was able to change its form into Greninja (Ash) providing the owner of the Greninja was the Original Trainer (OT) and it was at level 4 happiness. The event ended on May 29th 2021.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Greninja (Ash) Shiny Greninja (Ash) Dark Greninja (Ash) Mystic Greninja (Ash) Metallic Greninja (Ash) Shadow Greninja (Ash)

Huntin' Hoopa - Hoopa Event

On September 6th 2021, Hoopa was released on Route 7, Route 12, Route 22 & Route 23 with a legendary spawn rate. The event ended on September 13th 2021.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Hoopa Shiny Hoopa Dark Hoopa Mystic Hoopa Metallic Hoopa Shadow Hoopa

Togeween's Return - Togetic (Halloween) Event

On October 30th 2021, Togepi (Halloween) was released on Route 10, Route 16, Route 22, Nightshade & Nightshade Crypt with a Rare spawn rate. For the duration of the event, Togepi (Halloween) could now evolve into Togetic (Halloween) when at level 3 happiness. The event ended on October 31st 2021.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Togetic (Halloween) Shiny Togetic (Halloween) Dark Togetic (Halloween) Mystic Togetic (Halloween) Metallic Togetic (Halloween) Shadow Togetic (Halloween)

The Fire God - Arceus (Fire) Event

On December 3rd 2021, Arceus (Fire) was released on Route 6, Route 7, Route 8, Craggy Stairway & Scorched Sanctum with a legendary spawn rate. The event ended on December 6th 2021.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Arceus (Fire) Shiny Arceus (Fire) Dark Arceus (Fire) Mystic Arceus (Fire) Metallic Arceus (Fire) Shadow Arceus (Fire)

Kanto Kristmas - Vaporeon, Jolteon & Flareon (Christmas) Event

On December 18th 2021, Eevee (Christmas) was made available in the event center if you had collected enough Christmas Tokens by completing various tasks involving catching/evolving Eevee, completing the Kanto sidequests and daily login rewards.

The amount of Christmas Tokens awarded varied based on difficulty and time consumption of each task.

With the return of Eevee (Christmas), it could now evolve into three new evolutions during the event; Vaporeon (Christmas), Jolteon (Christmas) & Flareon (Christmas) using their respective elemental stones. The event ended on December 30th 2021.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Vaporeon (Christmas) Shiny Vaporeon (Christmas) Dark Vaporeon (Christmas) Mystic Vaporeon (Christmas) Metallic Vaporeon (Christmas) Shadow Vaporeon (Christmas)
Jolteon (Christmas) Shiny Jolteon (Christmas) Dark Jolteon (Christmas) Mystic Jolteon (Christmas) Metallic Jolteon (Christmas) Shadow Jolteon (Christmas)
Flareon (Christmas) Shiny Flareon (Christmas) Dark Flareon (Christmas) Mystic Flareon (Christmas) Metallic Flareon (Christmas) Shadow Flareon (Christmas)

Meloetta's Last Serenade - Meloetta (Pirouette) Event

On May 6th 2022, Meloetta (Pirouette) was made available in the event center if you had collected a band of musical-themed Pokémon. The ban consisted of Kricketune (Violin), Rillaboom (Drums), Toxtricity (Amped) (Guitar), Loudred (Bass) and Jigglypuff (Vocals).

Once these five Pokémon were collected in a single variant, that variant of Meloetta (Pirouette) would be available as a promo code to the player.

The event ended on May 13th 2022.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Meloetta (Pirouette) Shiny Meloetta (Pirouette) Dark Meloetta (Pirouette) Mystic Meloetta (Pirouette) Metallic Meloetta (Pirouette) Shadow Meloetta (Pirouette)

Trick-or-Chu - Pichu & Raichu (Halloween) Event

On October 28th 2022, [[Pichu (Halloween) was made available as a wild spawn on Route 10, Route 16, Route 22, Nightshade Crypt and Upper Steelmouth Power Plant with a legendary spawn rate.

Additionally, evolving it to Pikachu (Halloween) when increasing its happiness to level 3, it could now evolve to Raichu (Halloween) using a Thunder Stone.

The event ended on October 31st 2022.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Pichu (Halloween) Shiny Pichu (Halloween) Dark Pichu (Halloween) Mystic Pichu (Halloween) Metallic Pichu (Halloween) Shadow Pichu (Halloween)
Raichu (Halloween) Shiny Raichu (Halloween) Dark Raichu (Halloween) Mystic Raichu (Halloween) Metallic Raichu (Halloween) Shadow Raichu (Halloween)

Jolly Johto - Espeon & Umbreon (Christmas) Event

On December 18th 2022, the Event Center opened up and allowed players to collect 'Christmas Tokens' through various methods such as catching wild Eevee or completing the Johto Sidequests. These tokens could then be exchanged for Eevee (Christmas) which was able to evolve to Espeon (Christmas) and Umbreon (Christmas) for the first time at their respective times of day and with a happiness level of 3.

The event ended on December 30th 2022. The event ended on October 31st 2022.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Espeon (Christmas) Shiny Espeon (Christmas) Dark Espeon (Christmas) Mystic Espeon (Christmas) Metallic Espeon (Christmas) Shadow Espeon (Christmas)
Umbreon (Christmas) Shiny Umbreon (Christmas) Dark Umbreon (Christmas) Mystic Umbreon (Christmas) Metallic Umbreon (Christmas) Shadow Umbreon (Christmas)

The Darkest Day Pt. 1 - Zamazenta (Crowned) Event

On February 18th 2023, a special battle had the chance of appearing in the Season Battle Tower called 'The Darkest Day'. The team was comprised of Zacian, Zamazenta, Eternatus, Zacian (Crowned), Zamazenta (Crowned) and Eternatus (Eternamax).

Upon defeating this opponent, the player was awarded with a Rusted Shield which can be used to change the form of Zamazenta to Zamazenta (Crowned).

The event ended on March 3rd 2023.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Zamazenta (Crowned) Shiny Zamazenta (Crowned) Dark Zamazenta (Crowned) Mystic Zamazenta (Crowned) Metallic Zamazenta (Crowned) Shadow Zamazenta (Crowned)

The Darkest Day Pt. 2 - Zacian (Crowned) Event

On March 25th 2023, the special battle called 'The Darkest Day' returned to the Season Battle Tower. It had a random chance of appearing, and the team was again comprised of Zacian, Zamazenta, Eternatus, Zacian (Crowned), Zamazenta (Crowned) and Eternatus (Eternamax).

Upon defeating this opponent, the player was awarded a Rusted Sword which can be used to evolve Zacian into Zacian (Crowned).

The event ended on April 7th 2023.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Zacian (Crowned) Shiny Zacian (Crowned) Dark Zacian (Crowned) Mystic Zacian (Crowned) Metallic Zacian (Crowned) Shadow Zacian (Crowned)

Into the Unown Pt. 2 - Marshadow Event

On July 17th 2023, the Event Center was opened and had a set task for players to obtain all forms of Unown, split into six variant groups. Completing any given variant set of Unown would allow the player to obtain a promo code for Marshadow in that same variant.

This event also seen the retirement of previous event Pokémon added for Pokémon Vortex's 10th anniversary; Unown (0) and Unown (1).

The event ended on July 31st 2023.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Marshadow Shiny Marshadow Dark Marshadow Mystic Marshadow Metallic Marshadow Shadow Marshadow

Genesect Genesis v3 - Genesect (Aqua) Event

Genesect Genesis v3 was the third Genesect form special event to utilize PokéBay as the only means to obtain the event required item; Douse Drive beginning on August 10, 2023 and ending on August 17, 2023. During this period players had to win randomly generated auctions containing Douse Drives which would vary between 1 and 3 in quantity. When won, the player could then use these items on their regular Genesect to alter their form to Genesect (Aqua).

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Genesect (Aqua) Shiny Genesect (Aqua) Dark Genesect (Aqua) Mystic Genesect (Aqua) Metallic Genesect (Aqua) Shadow Genesect (Aqua)

The Poison God - Arceus (Poison) Event

On September 8th 2023, Arceus (Poison) was made available as a wild spawn at a legendary rate on Route 3, Route 4, Route 10, Route 11, Route 13, Route 16, Route 17, Route 19 & Wild Overgrowth. In addition to this, players could alternatively obtain the item Toxic Plate from the Sinnoh Sidequests or the Season Battle Tower; (1:800 drop), allowing the form change of regular Arceus to Arceus (Poison).

This event ended on September 18th 2023.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Arceus (Poison) Shiny Arceus (Poison) Dark Arceus (Poison) Mystic Arceus (Poison) Metallic Arceus (Poison) Shadow Arceus (Poison)

Huntin' Zarude - Zarude event

On October 7th 2023, Zarude was made available as a wild spawn at a legendary rate on Route 1, Route 3, Route 9, Route 10, Route 11, Route 13, Route 17, Route 18 & Wild Overgrowth.

This event ended on October 12th 2023.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Zarude Shiny Zarude Dark Zarude Mystic Zarude Metallic Zarude Shadow Zarude

A Grim Halloween - Scizor & Kleavor (Halloween) Event

On October 29th 2023, Scyther (Halloween) was made available again in the Nightshade Crypt at a legendary spawn rate along with two new evolutions; Scizor (Halloween) & Kleavor (Halloween), evolved via Metal Coat and Black Augurite items respectively.

The Sinnoh Sidequests had its prize adjusted to guarantee 6x Black Augurites as the prize drop, aiding in the obtaining of Kleavor (Halloween).

This event ended on October 31st 2023.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Scizor (Halloween) Shiny Scizor (Halloween) Dark Scizor (Halloween) Mystic Scizor (Halloween) Metallic Scizor (Halloween) Shadow Scizor (Halloween)
Kleavor (Halloween) Shiny Kleavor (Halloween) Dark Kleavor (Halloween) Mystic Kleavor (Halloween) Metallic Kleavor (Halloween) Shadow Kleavor (Halloween)

The Psychic God - Arceus (Psychic) Event

On November 14th 2023, Arceus (Psychic) was made available as a wild spawn at a legendary rate on Route 1, Route 4, Route 10, Route 11, Route 13, Route 16, Route 18, Route 19, Route 20, Route 22 & Route 24.

This event ended on November 20th 2023.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Arceus (Psychic) Shiny Arceus (Psychic) Dark Arceus (Psychic) Mystic Arceus (Psychic) Metallic Arceus (Psychic) Shadow Arceus (Psychic)

Snowy Sinnoh - Glaceon & Leafeon (Christmas) Event

On December 18th 2023, the Event Center opened up and allowed players to collect 'Christmas Tokens' through various methods such as catching wild Eevee or completing the Sinnoh Sidequests. These tokens could then be exchanged for Eevee (Christmas) which was able to evolve to Glaceon (Christmas) and Leafeon (Christmas) for the first time using an Ice Stone or Leaf Stone.

The event ended on December 30th 2023.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Glaceon (Christmas) Shiny Glaceon (Christmas) Dark Glaceon (Christmas) Mystic Glaceon (Christmas) Metallic Glaceon (Christmas) Shadow Glaceon (Christmas)
Leafeon (Christmas) Shiny Leafeon (Christmas) Dark Leafeon (Christmas) Mystic Leafeon (Christmas) Metallic Leafeon (Christmas) Shadow Leafeon (Christmas)

The Flying God - Arceus (Flying) Event

On April 27th 2024, Arceus (Flying) was made available as a wild spawn at a legendary rate on Route 3, Route 8, Route 12, Route 17 & Route 21.

This event ended on April 30th 2024.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Arceus (Flying) Shiny Arceus (Flying) Dark Arceus (Flying) Mystic Arceus (Flying) Metallic Arceus (Flying) Shadow Arceus (Flying)

The Bug God - Arceus (Bug) Event

On September 21st 2024, Arceus (Bug) was made available as a wild spawn at a legendary rate on Route 3, Route 9, Route 10, Route 11 & Route 17.

This event ended on September 27th 2024.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Arceus (Bug) Shiny Arceus (Bug) Dark Arceus (Bug) Mystic Arceus (Bug) Metallic Arceus (Bug) Shadow Arceus (Bug)

Togeween's Return - Togekiss (Halloween) Event

On October 30th 2024, Togepi (Halloween) returned to Pokémon Vortex as a wild spawn at a rare encounter rate on Route 10, Route 16, Route 22, Nightshade & Nightshade Crypt.

For the first time, Togetic (Halloween) was able to evolve to Togekiss (Halloween) using a Shiny Stone.

This event ended on October 31st 2024.

Note: This event also seen Togepi & Togetic (Halloween) sprites get redesigns to better match the new addition of Togekiss.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Togekiss (Halloween) Shiny Togekiss (Halloween) Dark Togekiss (Halloween) Mystic Togekiss (Halloween) Metallic Togekiss (Halloween) Shadow Togekiss (Halloween)

The Therian Roamer - Enamorus (Therian) Event

On November 3rd 2024, Enamorus (Therian) was made available as a wild roaming spawn at a legendary encounter rate.

This event ended on November 28th 2024.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Enamorus (Therian) Shiny Enamorus (Therian) Dark Enamorus (Therian) Mystic Enamorus (Therian) Metallic Enamorus (Therian) Shadow Enamorus (Therian)

A Glowing Christmas - Stantler (Christmas) Event

On December 18th 2024, the Event Center opened up and allowed players to collect 'Christmas Tokens' through various methods such as catching wild Stantler, evolving Stantler to Wyrdeer or completing the Johto Sidequests. These tokens could then be exchanged for Stantler (Christmas), a legacy Pokémon removed from the game and not seen since Pokémon Vortex v2.

The event ended on December 30th 2024.

Normal Shiny Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow
Stantler (Christmas) Shiny Stantler (Christmas) Dark Stantler (Christmas) Mystic Stantler (Christmas) Metallic Stantler (Christmas) Shadow Stantler (Christmas)